
Thursday 13 February 2014


A 2,000 year old bronze Apollo found by a fisherman on the coast of Gaza, is being investigated. [1]

A big message and sign, for the Muslims that live there. As the Philistines were the sea peoples, that invaded the land, in the same way that they invaded Egypt. Biblically, the giant Goliath was a Philistine. 

Its interesting to note that in the era of 2,000 years ago, the figure of Apollo, was also being created as being symbolic of the Buddha. Author, Martin Palmer wrote how 'the sun god Apollo was chosen by Greek converts to Buddhism as the model for the first statues of the Buddha, the enlightened one.'  [2]

'To show the universal sense of enlightenment that was the hallmark of the Buddha's teaching, they looked to Apollo, god of the sun. Usually depicted as a clean-shaven young man with a fine head of curly hair, Apollo looked Greek not Indian. Yet, the Indo-Greek Buddha became a young man with curly hair. Greek iconography also used the image of an extra bump on the top of the head to show intelligence'. Today, through all the vicissitudes of two thousand years, the essential Greekness of the original depiction of Buddha can be seen almost anywhere in the world'. [2]

'Greek-style statues of the Buddha were made in Gandhara until the late fifth century A.D. Little remains of the ancient Greco-Buddhist city that was there. Although in the Afghan city of Kandahar, herbal remedies can still be found.'  [2]

No surprise then, that a bust of Jesus was also found in the ancient city of Gandhara with the Buddhist bun. The Buddhist bun, was certainly a way of identification, and a symbol of wholeness. There are statues of Bodhisattvas with the bun. 

Its no coincidence that on my wedding day in St Mary Magdalene's Church, all of my long hair was also drawn up into a bun on the top of my head. The small crown of blue and white roses surrounded it, and now I know why the color blue was so important, the blue rose is the mystics rose, for achieving the impossible. In recent years, I was blessed to be given it, by the mother of Jesus, in a spiritual and divine way. 

Is it time for the people of Gaza and Afghanistan to reclaim their ancient roots and true heritage? The arrival of Apollo, would signify that is the case. 

Also in the news today, the scientists have found, that when the rain comes it does not look like teardrops, the raindrops look like a bun. The signs are everywhere in nature, and that is what Jesus taught, that nature is the holy scroll. 

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