
Tuesday 25 February 2014

St Bernadette Miracles

Last night while painting a healing mandala for a young man named 'Jon', the name 'Bernadette' was given to me divinely and it is strong with him. It is the name of a saint renowned in France. 

This inspired me to watch the film of her life. Could it be a past life with this saint that has manifested in his relationships, and friendships, or is she a saint that is watching over him, and guiding him in Spirit?

Let us wait and see what else is revealed to us. 

In the film, 'a poor girl named Bernadette experiences apparitions from heaven. As things unfold, miracles manifest to many witnesses involved.' 

After watching the first part of the film, it is revealed to us that Bernadette had a younger brother with the name of 'Jon'. Hence, Saint Bernadette, would have a strong spiritual connection with people that have this name. How deep this connection is on a soul level, will be further revealed to us, I feel sure of that, as the story and its miracles unfold before us. 

St Bernadette - Part 1 

Part 2

I will upload each part as I am able to watch it. As I am writing this an orange light appeared on my right hand. So orange would be her color, the citrus fruit. The power of love is really strong with me as I write this. After all of these years, and divine experiences, I know this energy very well indeed, for it is the energy of Jesus himself. 

On my left a ball of blue energy as manifested, the healing color of Mary's gown. Her energy is also here with me. This tells me that St Bernadette was indeed blessed by the divine. 

The ball of energy was high up in front of the beige curtain, and there is sunshine and blue skies today. When I saw it with my left eye, I turned to look at it straight on with both eyes. Then I watched part 2 of the film and shares with us that St Bernadette prayed to Jesus, Mary and Joseph for the little lamb to be returned to her.

It also shares the view of the Holy Trinity and the meaning of the holy ghost. How the priest and the child understood its meaning and he mentions the 'Dove', representation of the holy ghost. As I have already shared with people, in ancient Greece, the prophetesses and female mystics were called doves. In Hebrew, there is also a similar name for Bernadette, and it is 'Doveva'. 

Part 3

In this part of the film it expresses that the child was given 'tobacco' for her asthma. Strange thing to give a child for a breathing condition, today, I would recommend Reiki due to increasing the oxygen in the blood.

Maybe this was the way, that the child was given medicinal herbs to help her health condition. The Dead Sea Scrolls also mentions the 'smoking', 'smoke', and in the past, I shared about the smoking Messiah. Did Jesus smoke? When I saw him, he wasn't smoking. Interesting that the Son of Joseph smoked for most of his life and his life was 'cut short', as the prophecies predicted. However, the root causes of that are a different story.

Why would Jesus have any reason to smoke, when he was, and is so healthy? He is certainly a good measure and ruler of the well-being. How wonderful then, that he is a picture of good health, and she is the essence of the wholeness that peace brings. Shalom, salvation comes.

Why would Jesus stop you doing something, if and when he knows your body requires it for the good health of your being? Wasn't he more concerned about what came out of the mouths of the people?

Wasn't that more important to him, than what people put into their mouths? Didn't he say that people would be judged by their words, and that wisdom would be proven right by her words and actions? Didn't he tell his followers that she would come? Of course, he did that is why the wondrous woman from heaven appears in Rev 12 and Micah 4. The last days of the end times.

So let us continue with part 4 of the film, and my feedback upon it, after I've watched the rest of the third part. At the end of part 3 of the film, the young girl explains to the children how she saw a woman dressed in white, how she had a yellow flower on each foot. Now have you ever seen Mother Mary in bare feet with flowers upon them?

So what other evidence was provided to the Church, to prove that what Bernadette saw, was in fact, who they say it was? Its clear that she did have a divine experience, I am looking at this objectively, to establish who it was, that she saw. How many times have you ever seen Mary wearing just white?

Now let us see what they say in part 4. The 'White Stone' is mentioned by the priests. Now we know that the 'White Stone', appears in the book of Revelation and is given to the person that is put upon the throne in the last days of the end times. In part 4, the young girl sees the lady again, and this time she is given a message. The girl and the two women are asked to give their favor, and return every day for 15 days. The women ask for the ladies name, and for it be written down. The lady responds that there is no requirement for the young girl to write it down, and the girl then speaks the words that she is given.

I shall make a different blog post for the next four parts due to the length of this, as the film is in 12 parts. So there will be three blog posts to share the film and my feedback on its content. I hope that you are enjoying it, as much, as I am. I really like spiritual and historical films. 

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