
Wednesday 26 February 2014


On Monday, 24th of February, 2014, the LORD said, 'Now they will see the fire of your love'.

Today, it is reported by SO, that there has been a major flaring on the sun and various earthquakes at Carlsberg Ridge. The flaring is quite beautiful to view, look closely at the beginning and at the end. 

SO unload double videos and the youtube up loader to the blogs, does not seem to like it. Hence, I've given you the link. I do view this as a prediction that the LORD gave on Monday, for what greater fire is there, than the sun itself? What is important about the 25th? It is the 'Day of Universal Goal' and earlier this evening I wrote about the divine plan, and the two alternative endings that humanity were  were offered.

How this is mentioned in the Native American prophecies, as well as in the texts from mystical prophets from Judaism. Prior to me even knowing that I had a choice on a planetary level, I chose the power of love, that really was the beginning of the spiritual journey. The prophecies warned them that if they did not embrace the divine plan, that they were offered, then all of the nations would be destroyed.

I felt quite joyful when I saw this major sun flare. However, tears came afterwards late this night, the tears of others that are being impressed onto me. I hear their prayers, I feel their hearts, and their tears, I know when they are crying. I hear the sounds of the world.

2014, being an ultra-sensitive year for me with the planetary energies. Tonight, this night people are crying, I see people crying, with everything gone. Just gone. Where is the hope on a planet such as this, when the energy is so very intense. Sometimes the intensity is so huge, the only thing to do is to sleep.  To have a release, and a respite from the awakened state of experiencing it and feeling it. 

I see so many being impacted upon, so many homes and futures gone. Where once they shone, now it is all gone. Now that it has been written, and expressed, I can feel the energy lifting, grace is under pressure to express everything. Just like mother nature is expressing, like the sun is flaring. 

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