
Wednesday 26 February 2014


Following on from the 'Announcement', my heart was checked today and its strong. Blood pressure a little low. Optician was impressive. However, my height has shrunk and the frame of the flame of Joseph is now 5.2.

5+2 = 7 the ZAYIN, and the Jewish sages refer to the ZAYIN as the 'woman of valor'.

52 in gematria is 'LAMA' and that links into a message received from the heavenly Father in 2011 when he said 'Lama', the post was called 'LORD's LAMA'. He also said, 'It is your openness that wins the day'. [1] Today, was certainly a day for expressing righteous love and being open about what is going on.

In Tibet, the LAMA can mean a person is a 'Chief' or 'High Priest'. Hence, the numeric of 52 is also related to that. Interesting that the Dalai Lama has had another visit with Obama. Well, he keeps on having visits with Obama, alas, whatever happens due to it? Is there ever any progress or freedom for the Tibetans? How about Americans? Funny how in recent days, I have been wearing a bath towel the exact same color that the Dalai Lama is wearing in the photograph. Sometimes I do feel like a Buddhist nun. Big smiles.

The numeric of 52 is also the numeric of 'warrior' and it can indicate a promise of sudden and unexpected advancement in any undertaking. Its also favorable for anyone that requires protection and any leader of a cause, that is unrelated to 'war'. Like when a person is working with any physical health issues, and one steps on it to resolve. Our own physical health is an important cause of truth and you just have to keep on banging that drum to get the physical help that you require. Never give up, and keep at it. Never surrender to physical health issues, no matter how much they get you down.

I overcame 'cancerous cells' when I was a young woman, and when a person has done that, the Spirit of the overcomer is so strong, the will to live is so strong, the power of positive action is so strong. The overcomer, overcomes, anything and anyone, that stands in their way of achieving the best possible health that a person can. So in many ways, the 'spiritual warrior', is the champion of the cause, for the health of the nations. The medical profession, are certainly feeling the fire of our righteous love.

Physical health issues can 'wear you down', and 'wear you out'. However, you must carry on, and concentrate on the good, to overcome in the best possible way. Of course the power of love is essential in the healing process. 'Healing is the path of salvation, and love is the way.

Due to physical health issues at a very young age, I learned early on, that good health is the greatest wealth.

Tibetan medicine is fascinating, the Medicine Buddha.

This painting came in last night so I shall it "LAMA". Interesting that the optician saw a couple of vessels, that require further investigation. While I was painting, I was picking up on 'Wheat' and 'Wheat crops'. 'Golden Wheat', 'Golden Sheaf'. Now that I've scanned and uploaded the spread of paint, I can see a golden bird in it. Interesting, there is a 'Golden Sheaf Credit Union' and it mentions that 'Credit Unions' are owned by their members.




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