
Tuesday 25 February 2014


I began painting for a young man, and while I was painting for him focussing on the love and healing in my heart of him. I was given the name 'Bernadette' and that reminds me of the song by the 'Four Tops'. Its a very emotive song, and I hadn't remembered how powerful this Motown love song is, until tonight, it encompasses everything. So I've provided a link to the lyrics due to its importance.

The young man that this painting is for, is certainly creatively talented enough, to write powerful and emotive songs like this, from the soul of his heart. He is an artist by nature, and has huge creative potential to be unleashed. Whether it be in art, writing, poetry, or music, his creativity must be expressed, in a way that is healthy for him. He has a strong Spirit, that is pushing him, to reclaim his healthy, creative state of being, so that he can manifest his creative potential and lead a fulfilling life.

Bernadette is the feminine form of Bernard that means 'Bear', and he is like a cuddly teddy bear, and you just wish to give him a hug. 

In the centre of the painting, I see a flower like a lotus flower, it looks to me like a 'Fire Lotus', and it speaks to me of his passion, the fire of his passion, love and creativity. It is surrounded by an orange gold sacred ring, and I recommend oranges for him to eat, and the wearing of these oranges, and reds for empowerment. Vit C as well.

Around the ring, I see leaves of a blue flower with gold in it. Like a cosmic flower, as blue as a cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the soft petals of truth. The mystical flower, is on what looks like the top of a golden box of Christos energy, its like a box of treasure that he brings to the world.

I see the box on top of the sun, and around it, I see lots of baby fishes, being symbolic of children, that love unconditionally. Children would love this man and his artistic abilities, they would feel drawn to him, if he ever chose to work with children.

The fish are on a golden rim, like a sacred hoop. and around that I see the heavenly realm filled with with the Spirit of the dolphins, unconditional love and joyous dance. They understand the poet of this soul, how the poet cries, and the love that it contains.

The painting is quite delicate like the flower of this soul, from a distance it emanates beauty, harmony and peace. This is a man that likes beauty, and harmonious colors and sounds are very important to him. From a distance it looks like a beautiful plate, made in pottery and hand painted. Pottery is also something that this man would be good at, and he could find that pottery is very therapeutic. Deciding on a design, making it, firing it, and then painting it. Its important, that he can see something tangible for the effort that he puts in. It looks like he could have been a potter in a past lifetime, so he will have strong connections with places where potters lived and worked.

I view the mandala as pretty, and it is unusual for a man's mandala to be so pretty. It truly is a picture for his soul and its healing. It is floral, so on a healing, health level, flower essences would also be good for him, to drink, to grow, and to make, if he likes gardening. Art therapy, sound healing, there are so many choices for this creative soul. With the floral content, it is clear that this man would love aromatherapy massage, giving and receiving it, with essential oils to assist the healing process. He has a very strong connection, with the beauty of flowers and nature.

The name 'Bernadette' is strong with him, and it is the name of a French saint. This has inspired me to watch the film of her life. Could it be a past life with this saint that has manifested in his relationships, and friendships, or is she a saint that is watching over him, and guiding him in Spirit?

Let us wait and see what else is revealed to us.  In the film, 'a poor girl named Bernadette experiences apparitions from heaven. As things unfold, miracles manifest to many witnesses involved.' 


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