
Saturday 8 February 2014


British politics is reaching tipping point, due to the environment and the 'moral courage' that is required from its politicians. [1]

The British men appear to enjoy the easy ride, yet when it comes to having the moral courage to tell the people the truth about the flooding, where are they?

Its not just in politics either, you can find it everywhere. What politician is going to tell the general public and British corporations, that all 'nuclear reactors' have to be closed down immediately?

Who is going to tell them that everything south of the Thames will be taken by the floods? Does Prince Charles have the courage to tell them? How about Harry and William?

Who is going to talk to them about evacuation, and survival in the medium to long term? Who is going to tell the farmers? Their lands will be flooded? Do British politicians have the guts, do they have the stomach for it? How about the heart to tell the people, what will impact on them, and their lives due to the environmental changes that are happening?

At the same time, the 'old boy network' has 'deselected', Ann McIntosh and there are very few women in parliamentary seats. Seriously, the men still far outnumber the women in the important jobs, yet have the audacity to talk about equality, behind the scenes. Ever tried to make any headway, or progress, when men are surrounding you? I went to connect with some Native Americans, the men were straight in there. Did they give the women their voice in the discussion?

Men appear to be the same, all over the world, as far as the status quo is concerned. 50/50 men and women would be equal now wouldn't it? So do the men have the moral courage, to enable women to be an active partner in the decisions that are being taken in their nations and countries?

From experience I know, that women are only allowed to make progress in equality, when the men allow it. What kind of equality is that? What are men afraid of? Are they seriously afraid of the power of love, and living in harmony, with the planet and its changes?

The planet is on the brink of major planetary 'disasters', that will continue at an incredible rate, do they have the moral courage to accept it, and what has to be done? Do they have the humility to listen to wisdom?

I have to be honest, I wouldn't wish the job of running the environment agency, when I know what I know. Why should I take responsibility for what others have done in the last 100 years? No thanks, enough is enough.

Its enough responsibility, handing out the testimony of warning, to those that have the ears to hear the truth. Its enough responsibility, watching the panoramic view, and taking appropriate action, when compelled to do so. Its enough responsibility having to deliver the word, and that is compassionate action in itself.

How much is moral courage worth to humanity? What value does the cause of truth have? The fact is that it has to be truth, the evidence has to exist, and there has to be witnesses. Before anyone has the moral courage to do anything. Especially on a spiritual level. That is probably why when Jesus sent the healers out, he sent them out, two at a time. Does it remind you of Noah's Ark, and the message relating to it? Now that was a long time ago.

This made me smile from the journalist at the Daily Telegraph.

'Sir David had done nothing about the practices which meant that hundreds of patients in mid-staffordshire died unnecessarily, but he was allowed to keep the whole thing in thrall to the producer interest. Compassion was as rare in the NHS, as drought in Muchelney. About a year ago, at least the tougher members of the Government at last woke up'. [1] 

Muchelney is an historic village, and the home of Muchelney Abbey, a Benedictine monastery. The tower in the above picture is of St Peter and St Paul Church, and the English flag is flying there. That whole area is currently flooded. The ceiling of the Church has some Jacobean paintings of bare-breasted angels, and the sun doesn't look very happy. As you can see there are clouds all around the angels.

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia. 


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