
Sunday 9 February 2014


Following on from the 'World Turtle Visions' that including a boulder, and the delivering of the message of  'Time of Derailment Prophecy'. In the original visions small creatures were trying to knock the 'boulder' down, and I warned people that they would harm themselves if they tried to do that.

People were recommended to go in the opposite direction of the 'world turtle' to be safe. In that vision there was a laser beam, and a cosmic broom that cleaned the skies.

Now this month we have the landslide in Italy and a large 'boulder' went onto a farm property. [1]

Today in the news, a very large boulder has gone onto a train and 'derailed' it in the French Alps.

It is written that happened near the town of 'Annot'. The lady Mayor said, that the 'rock fell from the mountain with an extraordinary force' and it struck the so-called, "Train of the Pines" which runs from Nice to Digne-les-Bain'. 

'Two people have died, and nine were injured, as the train was 'derailed', by the enormity of the boulder.'.

30 people were on the train at the time. As we know, 30 is also the gematria value of the hebrew letter 'Lamed', and in the NT the numeric of 30 is to do with the spiritual law. In the ancient pictographs, the original symbol of the 'Lamed' is the shepherds staff, and it looks like a J for Joseph.

I wonder who was on that French train. Sky news have a video of the train.

The Annot town is known historically for its Christian involvement in the 'wars of religion', its also written that its community were involved in the 'French Revolution', and they planted a 'tree of liberty'.

In the 20th century there was still a vineyard in the French location of Annot, although source link shares with us that there is nothing left of that vineyard in Annot now. What would happen to their vineyards is also mentioned in the biblical prophecies, and Nostradamus was very concerned about what would happen to France, when the current pope was in office.

He gave very clear indications, for those that had the mystics experience, competence, wisdom and insight, to comprehend his prophecies and quatrains.

It is written that their coat of arms features the leaves of the 'Chestnut Tree', and you can clearly see the 'fleurs-de-lise'. [3] In flower essences the 'Chestnut' is 'for people who keep on repeating the same cycles. Chestnut people can be very slow to learn, due to a lack of interest or observation. The remedy brings mental flexibility, helps one to learn and keep attention focussed in the present'. Quote from Sun Essences.

I did warn people in advance, testimony of warning, that the 'Fire Stone' had been released, and that the 'Rolling Stones' tour of 'On Fire', had begun in February, it kicked off in Paris, along with 'Mahakala Time'.

For sure, when the boulders come down, it is a sign to move away from that area altogether. Its a sign to move into the opposite direction if you wish to be safe in the future. Its about locations, and its also about what has happened, in those locations down the ages. Today when I woke up the word 'location' was also in my focus, and I pondered on that word when you consider its letters. If you look at the history of the French Annot, it will help you to comprehend the importance of this message.


As a noun the word 'location', means, 'A point or extent in space'.




1 comment:

  1. Seriously, do people have any common sense? Why do people take their children to areas known for such eventualities as landslides etc.
