
Sunday 9 February 2014

David's 'Eco-Terrorism'.

Following on from the post on 'Moral Courage and the Environment', [1] David Cameron has called the recent floods, waves and storms in Somerset, biblical. However, what else is being reported in the main stream press?

There are various comments that I have highlighted, to help people to comprehend the actions of some people. This news report shares with us that there is 250-page Environment document on flood risk and it shows the agency deliberately increased the flooding and they claim that flooding is beneficial to wildlife. How about the people and their homes? They also claim that the flood defences have been a success story.

Tory MP Ian Liddell-Grainger, MP for the area flooded, responded, 'What a stupid man - this is absolute stupidity and arrogance. This is a tragedy and disaster'. 

'In 2008 agency document shows the objective for the Levels was to take action to increase the frequency of flooding to deliver benefit to locally or elsewhere'. 

'Under EU directives, the policy document says, "We have obligations to protect the habitats that have developed hand in hand with the man-made flood-risk infrastructure'. 

'The use of the land by humans was based on historical practice which should be challenged in the future'. 

'This will have social and financial implications that will have to be considered carefully'. 

'On the ground - what is left of it - the reasons for the bitterness were readily visible'. 

Then they speak of the 'RAY OF HOPE', and share a photograph of the double rainbow over East London.

A member of the general public commented on the news report and what they have done as 'Eco-terrorism'.

Now read Jeremiah 30 about the restoration and how instead of 'peace', you have 'terrorism' instead.

Are the people ready to listen yet?

Do you remember the dream that I had about David Cameron before Christmas, and how I was being righteous to him? Enough David Cameron and your environmental agency!

The heavenly Father said,  'Hurricane' and that reminds me of the Queen Elizabeth 1 speech, when she was telling the Catholics off from Spain in the film, 'Golden Age'. I watched that film after I received visions of the actress from the film. That was around 2008 time.



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