
Sunday 9 February 2014


After I had written the last post,  'David's Eco-Terrorism', [1] that also applies to Jeremiah 30, and one of the people mentioned in Rev 2. The woman in that prophecy was an American, and she has now passed over, the prophecy was fulfilled and it does relate to Rev 17 and 18. However, there is also another person mentioned in Rev 2, a different person, the person known as the overcomer that was victorious, and put upon the throne.

The heavenly Father spoke, and he said, 'HURRICANE', and it reminded me of the speech that Queen Elizabeth 1, gave to the Catholics, the Jesuits in the film, 'Golden Age'.

However, there was also a film called 'Hurricane' as well. It was a biographical film directed by Norman Jewison, and it won the golden globe award for 'Best Actor'. The film featured Denzel Washington and it was made in 1999. I was in Australia when that film was released, and my son and
I, didn't go to the movies when we were there.

Its a story of Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter, a boxer 'wrongly imprisoned for murder, and the people who aided in his fight to prove his innocence'. 

There is a great quote at the end of the trailer, when he speaks to the child that visits him.

His confidence and hope is in love, thats brings a tear to the eyes of the sensitive, and innocent.

The African-American gained his freedom, due to the love and compassion of a teenager that visited him, and his Canadian foster family. Norman Jewison directed many films. However, it is written that he said, that he considered this film to be his best work. [2] I noticed that the Canadian Kevin Annett, as also been in the news today.

It sure is the Mahakala timeline, and it will impact upon many realities. With the heavenly Father speaking of the 'Hurricane' after I had posted about 'David's Eco-Terrorism', it does bring forth the question, about 'Hurricane Katrina', that we mentioned in the radio interview recently.

For sure when a hurricane comes, there isn't anything that anyone can do to stop it. Although we have witnessed how the Cat 3 Irene, could be reduced to a storm, and that storm was a biblical prophecy.

Jesus could calm the storms can you?

However, the question is, which hurricanes are man-made, and which ones are natural? We know for a fact, by their own admission, that the environmental agency in the UK, is impacting on nature, and the natural world of creation.

People at all levels, have actively involved themselves, in trying to stop the natural water, to divert the water to a different place. That's what men do sometimes when they build their 'dams'.

Creation and its Creator will have the last word. You can be sure of that. As the film portrays, nothing can stop a child, and their love and compassion, for a person that is truly innocent. Isaiah 8 speaks of the children, due to what happened to the gentle waters of shiloh.

So the evidence is clear, they've done their utmost to redirect the great work. So that they can carry on, doing what they're doing to keep the 'status quo'. They 'care not' for humanity, or where humanity end up, all that the Jesuits care about, is retaining what was 'man-made'. Prophecy warned them what would happen if they built buildings on the foundation of Jesus with building materials. They were warned that they would burn in the flames. Just like the Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia burned to the ground in 2008.

That is another reason why the 'doves of peace', released by the children, were 'attacked' at the Vatican, the other week. Since then the UN have given instructions to the Vatican,  Kevin Annett, is saying that the UN should have done a lot more. I agree with Kevin Annett, due to what the Jesuits have done.

So let us see what the LORD does in response. I have to eat now.

I would like to remind people reading this post, that the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 on freedom of speech, gives the people the right to express, what has to be expressed in the public domain.

The Spirit of Truth exists, and its Cause of Truth.



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