
Saturday 8 February 2014


The LORD speaking of the 'Forlorn', and this song 'Forlorn Knights' that mentions the 'death bed', reminds me of different situations. It reminds me of the Son of Joseph, and being there when his soul left his body, on this land of Joseph in London.

It reminds me of Michael, who was born in South Africa and moved to America. Prophet Daniel spoke of Michael and how he would be supportive against the Prince of Persia, e.g Iran. The prophecy was fulfilled, before the eyes of the world.

He passed over in June 2010, and he was taking some 'pharmaceuticals', that were being sent to him from South Africa. He walked with a wooden cane towards the end of his life.  His life of a young solder in the military of South Africa, combined with his life, living as an academic in America, took Michael to a particular state of being. Sometimes he was unreachable, due to his life circumstances, and conditions. He referred to himself as an 'outsider', rather than a 'statesider', when in fact what he was really saying is that he was an 'outcast'.

He defended Israel until the very end, he had found his cause of truth and his reason for being at my side.  Prophet Jeremiah predicted that the time would come, when there would be a restoration of Israel.

Its no coincidence that it is chapter 30, a numeric of the spiritual law mentioned in the NT. The Hebrew gematria value of the lamed, the shepherds staff that looks like the letter J.

Interesting name of the letter, 'LA MED', and the ocean of Europe, the feminine. Also interesting that when I was 30, my son had been born, and he was given the first name with a letter J, for Jordan.

Jeremiah chapter 30 gives a message for Israel and Judah, and it mentions men looking like a 'woman in labor' and how their faces turned 'deathly pale'. Michael was 'pale' like that, he didn't have enough to eat, and wasn't eating enough, nor was he spending any time outside in the sunshine. When he was in the sunshine, he didn't let the sunbeams touch his body, he wore a hat.  Michael didn't take his clothes off, and sit with me in the sunshine. It would've been so healthy for him to do so.


The prophecy speaks of the 'trouble of Jacob', and the book of Revelation it speaks of it in terms of ten days, e.g. ten years, the cycle of ten and a decimal numeric. It also mentions how Jacob is saved from it, and in the Obadiah prophecy, Jacob is the fire.  

The prophecy of Jeremiah speaks of how 'foreigners enslaved', them, and how that will no longer be the case. One only has to look at the medical profession to view that, and one can also view it in terms of the 'Americanisms', the 'Drugs', 'Contraception products', that are now banned in the USA, remember the Copper 7 ladies? Last time I looked, they were still being given to women in third world countries. How's the integrity going USA? Of course, let us not forget 'Coca-Cola', 'Pepsi' and McDonalds. 

Who else 'enslaved'? Do you remember America, how big were the plantations, your wealth and farms? How many workers did you have on those farms, and what were they paid? 

'I am with you, and I will save you declares the LORD'. 'I will discipline you, in due measure'. 

'I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD. You are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares'.  Does it remind you of the legend of King Arthur, and how Russell Brand was restored? Does it remind you of how children can become 'outcasts', in their families and friendships? Before and after restoration? 

Does it remind you of the story of the widows son? 

The prophecy mentions the restoration of Jacob's tents, and having compassion on his dwellings. Have you ever slept out in the open in a tent? Or have you ever been homeless? Did you have compassion for the homeless, and those that were sleeping in tents? Did you have compassion on the 'outcasts'? The LORD asked for compassionate and charitable loving hearts, not sacrifice. 

The prophecy spoke of a 'city being rebuilt, upon its own ruins.' Homelessness can feel like that, especially when there are children involved. It spoke of a palace standing in its proper place, was that health and healing? Why was it called a palace? Who lives in a palace? In England, it is a Queen. However, the prophecy mentions a King and his name is David. 

There were a few different spiritual David's that were brought into my life in the Rev 12 timeframe, and only one of them, lived in what one could consider to be a palace. Although David the scientist, does live in Windsor, the last time that I looked. 

On a spiritual level, I was blessed to go up Jacob's ladder, and there was a beautiful palace at the top of the steps. 

'city being rebuilt, upon its ruins', can also be applicable to London after WW2. 

The place of birth, and arrival after WW2 when the city was being rebuilt. 

The prophecy speaks of the songs, the thanksgiving, and the sound of rejoicing. It mentions how their numbers would increase, and how honor would come. How the community would be established. How beautiful that was, for the community of health and healing in the UK. 

Huge healing exhibitions in London, and other areas of the UK. Sound and light conferences, lectures, workshops, training courses. Awesomeness.

On the internet, one website, went from around 12 members, to receiving 1 million visits a year, with 98 forums during the Rev 12 timeline. Truly, those working in health and healing were honored, including myself. 

It also predicted that their leader would be one of their own, and would arise from amongst them. A person who had suffered as an 'outcast', was part of the criteria outlined for Zion, with the right name. Did that happen in your nations as well? 

What happened to daughter Zion, in the Micah 4 prophecy, do you remember what happened after her return from America?  The prophecy of Jeremiah mentioned what would happen to those that tried to 'oppress'. 

It also spoke of a man that would come close to me, he devoted himself to stay close. Did I meet that man during the Rev 12 timeline? I did meet, and connect with so many wonderful people on the journey. 

May integrity and uprightness protect the 'forlorn', my hope LORD is in you. Guard his life, and rescue him. Be a safe refuge for the 'forlorn knights.' Hear my prayer for the 'outcasts'. 

A promise LORD, for the restoration of Israel and Judah, and that you would save Jacob from the fire. 

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