
Tuesday 18 February 2014


I was re-reading something that I had written, and the heavenly Father spoke, it sounded like he said 'LEA'. A feminine name, that can also be spelt, LEAH. In Greek the name 'Lea', can mean 'Bringer of good news' and it is listed as an American baby name. In Old English we find the spelling 'Leah' and 'lea' can be 'grassland', 'meadow' or 'field'. Biblically, 'Leah' was the first wife of Jacob the elder sister of Rachel.

The name Lea is found in various different locations in England. There is also a Lea County, in New Mexico.

Jerome spoke of a woman known as Saint Lea whose feast day is March 22, as follows:

'Who will praise the blessed Lea as she deserves? She renounced painting her face and adorning her head with shining pearls. She exchanged her rich attire for sackcloth, and ceased to command others in order to obey all. She dwelt in a corner with a few bits of furniture; she spent her nights in prayer, and instructed her companions through her example rather than through protests and speeches. And she looked forward to her arrival in heaven in order to receive her recompense for the virtues which she practiced on earth.'


Nothing more can be shared with America. For as it is written, the power of love and kindness beyond measure is to be remembered. Jesus defended the mystical healer Magdalene, there can be no compromise, with any American Christian, that does not defend a woman in such a way as Jesus did. 

The cosmic spiritual law manifests, and I can feel a strong connection with Russell Means this night.

And what about the men in the UK? 

“There is a large gap between the reality of life and the masculine ideal, for this group of men.“They are likely to experience multiple risk factors for suicide which taken together can have devastating consequences.”“Our research shows that disadvantaged men in midlife have seen their jobs, relationships and identity, radically altered'. 

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