
Wednesday 19 February 2014

America 'Smashed Ai Wei Wei Vase'

America and its 'smashing' time. A Chinese vase said to be worth a million dollars, has been 'smashed' in an American gallery. What a culture to live in! Who on earth would wish to live in such a place, the 'land of Esau.'

The Ai Wei Wei Vase was 'smashed' in Florida, the vase of this artist and human rights activist'. [2]

Is it any wonder that the heavenly Father said, 'Politics is the bane of your life'. It certainly applies to America. Someone posted the prophetic song, 'American Pie' the other day, its so true. Even when the song was written and released in 1971. The writing was on the wall, yet how many, had the eyes to see it and get out in time? How many were helped to see the light of love, and led to safety?

Don Mclean, it is written that the name of his mother was Elizabeth, and she was from Abbruzo, Abbruzo is a really beautiful location in Italy, and I once did a recce there. If I had a choice of living in America or Italy, I would definitely choose Italy. How awesome it is that Europeans, have been blessed to experience so many different cultures, to know the difference between them.

And Don sang of the 'Lady that sung the blues', and the 'Sacred Star', how amazing that she came to be there, for those that had the eyes to see it, feel it, and know it. The heavenly Father is speaking of the 'Rose'.

"Behold he will remove the heavens, and the mountains, the hills and the seas and all things shall be made plain to his elect; that he may render unto them the promise which he has promised, with much honor and joy if so be that they shall keep the commandments of God, which they have received with great faith. 

And when she had made an end of reading, she rose out of the chair; and behold four young men came, and carried the chair to the east. And she called me unto her, and touched my breast, and said, unto me. Did my reading please thee? I answered, Lady, these last things, please me; but what went before was severe and hard. She said, unto me, these last things are for the righteous, but for the foregoing, for the revolters and heathen. 

And as she was talking, with me, two men appeared, and took her on their shoulders, and went to the east, where the chair was. And she went cheerfully away, and as she was going, said unto me, Hermas, be of good cheer'. 

This is from the first book of Hermas, which is called the visions. It was composed by Pius, bishop of Rome.

The heavenly Father said, 'These things they cannot understand. How these things were predicted so long ago. You gave life to it, you breathed life into it'.

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