
Tuesday 18 February 2014

Dream of Dogs

Last night, it was more like dawn time. I had a lucid dream. I was laying motionless, two dogs came running towards me, a large black lab, and a little white dog. The big black lab got here first, and he immediately began to lick me all over, like kisses. The lab knew that I wasn't very well, I wasn't moving, and his love energy was important to me. I woke up due to the power of his licks, all over my body, and the healing that it brought. 

The little white dog watched him, and what he was doing, the little white dog, looked up at him, and looked in awe of him. He was learning from him. After the dream, I pondered on the importance of the lab, and what wonderful healers they are. 

I did not ask the name of the lab, although, I did send a few friends a poem that I wrote from my 'heart of life' yesterday. 

In the years of my life on this planet, Zion has got up many times, picked herself up, dusted herself down, dusted off her feet, and started again. 

This time it feels different, due to the physical help that she requires. 

Today, I wrote about the sheer power of love that Jesus had for Magdalene, who was also a healer and mystic. How he defended her, her physical vulnerability, and the weakness of the empath. How he stopped the people from doing what they were doing to her. A love such as this, in his strength, a man that defended the 'outcasts', as I have defended them during my life, like him. I paid the price for the wisdom gained from it. His wisdom that he showered upon me, in the power of his love, can you speak of a love such this? Can you speak of the evidence of your experience such as this? 

Can you give testimony for him, and share how it was due to his teaching and counsel that he gave to you, that you had the talent, to stop your son being taken by the military? They could not take my son from the cause of truth. Nor can they take me from it, Jerusalem, the 'immovable rock'. The White Stone was split in two in 2010, then the water gushed out, of the sphere of enlightenment. Years prior to that, the Masters rock quartz that could sit in my hand, was reduced, in size. Although it is still big enough to sit in my hand.

They didn't realize, that when I gave them the pink rose quartz hearts as a gift, I had given them my heart. When I gave them the pieces of angelic selenite, I was giving them myself, each of the students has a piece of my life, that I gave, so that they could have my energy and blessing with them, when they were healing, themselves and others. The love of Lotus Feet, that was blessed, and named by Jesus himself. He gave name to the nature of enlightenment, due to it manifesting from the power of his love, that made the peace of the wholeness of shalom possible. 

Who has known love and kindness beyond measure? Who put the happiness of others before their own happiness? A love that can transcend, and surpass everything in its awesomeness of victory. 

Who can match his divine love beyond measure for Zion? Who can help her, the way he helped her? 

It was written in a Japanese newspaper, that Buddha said, that 'to those that can be brought to enlightenment by an animal, he would come as an animal.'  

I say to you, that those that can be healed by an animal, the healer will come as an animal. Did such things exist in Judaism? Of course, they did and do, those that know their scriptures. know the teachings about it. 

In dream interpretation, dogs in a dream are a good omen, and symbolize friends. If the dog was friendly and affectionate, it signifies pleasure and happy times with friends. To dream of an animal licking you, offers a prediction that you will soon be asked to advise a friend or relative, on a serious matter. The advice is to be as helpful as possible, due to the circumstances involved. 

The combination of the two dogs, also gives us the numeric of two, and that can be to do with lovers. In this case, two healers that came to help, and it can signify an increase in energy and/or power. In the major arcane, two is also the numeric of the high priestess. 

In Buddhism, the goddess of compassion and mercy is also seen with two temple dogs. Once upon a time, there were two at the Lion's gateway in East Jerusalem. One either side of the gateway, of what has become known as St Stephen's Gate. I did write the other day, that I am going East now, and the direction of the East, is the direction of the spiritual teachers. So I am not surprised, that this experience came to be last night. 


  1. News today there has been a 25 feet wide sink hole, in Magdalene Close, in Ripon, North Yorkshire. The Guardian report say that its the sixth sinkhole in the UK this year.

  2. Sweet story about an adopted dog.

  3. I've been reading Luke 16 and how the dogs licked the sores of the beggar Lazarus. The beggar died, and he was carried to the side of Abraham. Abraham told his son that the beggar was now comforted, and the rich man was in agony. This dream happened in February.
