
Monday 6 January 2014


The heavenly Father said, 'The Plane', so I looked at the news and there is news about a 'Singapore Airline', 'The plane just fell from the sky'. 'The plane was forced to make an emergency landing'. The news report shares that it was due to low pressure, in the cabin of the Airbus A380. [1]

Now 'A380', is the value of six in gematria.

380 is the value of 'airport', and it is written that the plane landed safely at the airport. 380 = 'Artist', and the artist is to do with Messiah spreading the paint. 380 is the gematria value of the 'host of Michael', and I was Michael's host when we met in Florida. It is the gematria value of 'Lion of Israel', and Michael was from South Africa, he was a Leo the Lion that defended Israel.

380 is also 'Clairvoyance',  'Son of Light' and an 'Asteroid'. 'Spirit High', 'Creator God'.

So what has Michael been up to now? He was bound to respond to what others have done. Oh I remember, someone that knew Michael spent a lot of time in Singapore. I see the 'red dog' in this painting called 'Plane' as well. This painting was compelled in October 2013.

Omega chose the 'red dog', as his sign after he passed over. Omega is not happy at what has happened. I can see what is going on with Mary.


7th October 2013

The logo of Singapore airlines has a golden bird upon it. This is about the timeline. As we know the woman that was in Singapore, 'erased', Michael's records as a citizen of the USA. That is the main reason that he couldn't access his own financial resources.

All his services had been cut off continually, he had been 'dead', for three weeks prior to anyone finding him. Marion did not respond to Michael's call for help. Hence he died without food or drink, such is the mercy of the American Christian orthodox. He wasn't able to contact me either, due to his internet being cut off. Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel, and he passed over in June 2010.

MUSE - Citizen Erased

You cannot silence that which lives, for divine love is eternal. I shall always speak of the legend that is Michael, the Lion of Israel. I shall always speak of Omega, the co-founder. Always in my heart.


1 comment:

  1. Plane gone down NYC, news report mentions 'Statue of Liberty'.
