
Tuesday 7 January 2014

Seadog Shipwrecked Emergency

We have an emergency in the social network, for one of our elders that is known as Seadog. He only has a few days to raise $1,000, otherwise he will become homeless. I have known Seadog for about six years in the internet community, and he has always been there to help the younger generations.

He hasn’t mentioned it, but he is also incredibly knowledgeable on the science to do with the environment, and he is totally up-to-date with where we are at with it. He would be an asset to anyone involved in marine biology or conservation. More recently, we have been talking on skype, due to what is happening on the planet.

If you, or if you know anyone, that would be willing to help Seadog. I would really appreciate it. He has given so much to help others during his life.

His email contact details are as follows:

Seadog put this information up on Crowdrise, and it expresses how serious this situation is for him. However, it seems that a person has to go through a charity to receive the funds from Crowdrise, and this is an emergency, crisis situation. In this cold weather, it is also a life or death situation for this man with these health conditions.

I am a 55 yo man experiencing some difficulties. I am a Canadian ex merchant navy officer, sailed much with UK fleet and spent much time in the Falklands; who has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and whose ankles are crumbling and awaiting amputation. I have been denied disablilty payments twice as I have no mental disabilty (such is the system here in BC). I am on welfare and not making it. I live in a small trailer in the woods on a little island on the west coast. I am unable to walk far and see little of people. Life is pretty bleak. Enough of 
he sob story............In order to escape this pit, as I am unable to work at much, and will never taste the sea again, I developed a little local business which has been well received but now faces extinction. I began a personal delivery, pick-up and errand service, using a donated motor scooter, (the Ganges GoFer) for the disabled and seriously ill in my community. I do shopping, prescriptions, etc for a flat $10 fee. It was going well and got lots of smiles until today.........Cops nabbed me for expired plates ($1000) and this sinks me, the service, and any hopes I had to get out of this rut. I will be homeless in a few days, and have run out of work-arounds.........I write quite a bit - sea stories and quantum spirituality for the most part, and would be very happy to share some of them in partial return for any assistance tendered. I am told the sea stories are very good. Putting it out there and hoping for a miracle.

The heavenly Father said, 'The fire will come down now'.




  1. The above was distributed late last night, and I have received the first offer of help for Seadog early this morning. Praise be to the LORD, a miracle indeed.

  2. A great link and pictures of Seadogs
