
Monday 6 January 2014

Righteous Year 2014

As we know, on the 31st of January, 2014 we begin the Chinese Year of the Horse and Horses are compatible with 'tigers', 'sheep' and 'dogs'. Another reason why I get on so well with my son, he was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog, in addition, to being an Aquarian sun sign, for an Aquarian Age.

It is predicted that the new year of the horse, will be a 'righteous' year for yours truly, and those that it impacts upon. As we know, 'righteousness delivers the upright from death'. I first began to share with students about righteousness, when I began teaching Reiki healing training courses over a decade ago.

It is written in the training documentation that I gave the students, to remind them of what the pathway of enlightenment is all about. For enlightenment leads to righteousness, when people are willing to go all the way to where it leads.

2014, speaks of the year for the horse that has the strength to overcome, as we know, the overcomer is also mentioned in the book of Revelation. The year of horse has historically been an auspicious year for yours truly. It indicates that the planetary energies are in the favor of those that were born in its year.

It also warns of others, and what they do, and I am fully aware of what happened last night. Sometimes, I wonder if anyone else can see what I can see. Or hear what I can hear, or understand,  the purest of intention that is always in my heart. How history repeats itself, every time righteousness manifests, and how humanity respond to having to respect the spiritual law of the cosmos, that is beyond the law of man.

Peace will be their governor, and well-being will be their ruler. The prophecies are correct.

This year speaks of a year to be confident, and confidence is usually an attribute of the horse, as it jumps over every obstacle. Mutual trust in relationships and friendships is also essential this year for those born in the year of the horse.

This song is for all of the children that I have loved, all the children that were empowered, and received lots of holy kisses. Divine truth is a holy kiss, and there is no greater love, than the love that is divine.

I remember during the Rev 12 timeline, when Jesus came to me and spoke to me, and he asked me not to listen to anyone else, to only listen to the divine, that no man on earth would ever love me, as the divine love me. He gave such great spiritual guidance along the way. Divine love in manifestation is righteous love, it is demonstrated righteously in zealous compassionate action, it truly does surpass everything and everyone, just as he spoke of how it had come to be.

The horse stays close to those that they can trust with their hearts. A friend said to me last night, New Jerusalem is in your heart, and I know that to be true, the fruit basket, living in the sunshine. When you have been given the divine plan and the plan for New Jerusalem, with its location, of course, it is held in your heart, just like the Son of God is always in my heart.

New Jerusalem shall always be in my heart, for it is one of the main reasons I incarnated on the planet. It is a reason for being, and nothing else matters to me, but doing the divine will of the LORD.

It seems that finances could still be an issue in this year of 2014, so that will have to be looked at very seriously. For the initiation of the 'holy beggar' as been completed in 2013. 2014, is time to move forward with good causes, and find that 'donar' that the LORD spoke of in 2013.

So a year of righteous confidence for yours truly, I am sure that the LORD will ensure, that is divine plan is fulfilled. Of that, I am entirely confident, creation fulfills his righteous divine will, as confidently as ever.


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