
Sunday 5 January 2014


Last night I did an interview on 2022, and the divine message about the 'ICE CAPS', and 22. [1]

When I review the messages from the heavenly Father received in 2010, I find many words that relate to this timeframe, it even mentions, 'Gym', and the 'Health Visitor' crop circles. I haven't spoken to a person with the avatar name of 'Gym Nasium', since before Christmas. The last time that we spoke, we spoke of the possibility of the creation of a film on the true Christ teachings.

In the months leading up to Christmas 2013, I was also having reflexology. In the last session, the reflexologist, shared with me that she used to be a 'Health Visitor'. It was also shared that she knew my ex-mother-in-law, the mother of Adam, who was also a health visitor. Hence, the timeframe and all of the messages that relate to it.

In that blog post, it speaks of the earth shifting, it also mentions the message about the Mayans, and that they know we are coming. [2] In March 2011, he spoke again of 'the tectonic plates are shifting' and the 'Son of Hitachi'. [5]. The son of the sun rising.

In the radio interview, I explained about the prophecies that I have received over the years to do with the environment, and how those messages came to fruition.

It included the Asian Disaster, and the Japanese Tsunami that was predicted to be a 'Tsunami of Pain'.

At the time of receipt of that message, I hadn't shared on the blog, that a few months earlier, I had asked family in Japan when they were going to leave Japan, due to what was predicted to come upon it.

When the tsunami in Japan happened, I am sure that you can understand how I felt due to family living there. When the LORD spoke of the 'Tsunami' and 'Pain', I knew in my heart that it was going to be Japan. However, it was so hard for me to accept, that it would happen where family are, I simply couldn't write the word 'Japan'.

So why was Japan the place of 'pain'? I knew in my heart that in 1998, Japan had the highest rate of youth suicide in the world, and Japan and the youth in Australia touched my heart deeply at that time.

It was that Christmas in 1998, that the holy mother bestowed the mission of compassion with 'depressed and suicidal' children upon me. Angels Healing Trust, came to be after that.

As the bible says "An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips."[4] 

There is also a biblical prophecy that pertains to it, and it tells you that my family are dressed in scarlet.  [6]

After the tsunami in Japan, when a spiritual Israeli asked me to help him to campaign for some Palestinians to go to the beach to swim. I began to write an email response to the Israeli, and the LORD shouted, 'Fukushima', he was seriously cross with the request from Israel. It certainly was a reality check, he was commanding  the Israeli's to get their priorities in order due to what nuclear reactors have co-created for the nations.

There have been so many messages, that I do not remember them all, and that is why I log them on the blog, and distribute them when I receive them. The recent smoke signal, was also interesting when the heavenly Father spoke of Dakota as well. Within a few days there was an event with a train carrying oil, it was 'derailed', and the smoke from the fire was seen again. I did warn people about the timeline of 'derailment', and made many blog posts upon it.

The LORD will have the last word, and 'destroy the religions' and its 'men of materialism', due to what they have done. Prophecy predicts that Israel shall go under water, just like the men of Egypt, were washed away when Moses left its land. Amos 8. The time is close at hand for the nations. It predicts that they will 'shave their heads, and mourn in sackcloth', just like the Buddhists do. 

You were given many warnings to turn your hearts to the children, and to honor the one that he sent to help them in this timeline. 'Righteousness will deliver the upright from death.Who will listen to what righteousness has to say? Who will respond to what is being delivered? You shall know exactly who the upright are, for they embrace integrity and give honor, to that which is upright. 

In this video about the polar bears in Canada, you will see a stone portal at the end of it, and the numeric of 22 is also to do with portals opening.

The LORD always saves a remnant, just like he did in the time of Moses. Just like he did in the time of NOAH, the Mayans, and the Native Americans. That time has come again, and there is only eight years to prepare the nations for what is coming upon it due to what they have done. 

The biblical prophecies predicted what would happen, if the people did not turn their hearts to the children, and align their wills with it, and the divine plan. Justice will be done for the LORD's creation. 

If you wish to do something to help your nations. Start campaigning vigorously, to have all nuclear reactors and chemical manufacturing closed down. If you don't, there shall be no people to inhabit the planet. 
It is recovery or extinction now. It will take all of your attention, and purest intention, due to what is coming upon this planet. 

It was in August 2010, that I was given the first message about the 'Ice Caps and 22'. At the time of writing the blog post about it, the heavenly Father spoke again, and he basically said that it was too late to change it. Now humanity will face the consequences of its actions and inaction. 

On the original blog post, I had also shared about the ice melting on the Kilimanjaro Mountain range and how the ice shelves were splitting away in Canada. Then the other day, the heavenly Father spoke of 'Kilamanju' and that does link in with the Kilimanjaro Mountain name in Africa. A mountain that is volcanic and certainly one to keep an eye on. Scientists also predict that the ice will be gone at Kilimanjaro in 2022. 

When I was first given the message about the 'Ice Caps and 22', I took a look to see if anyone else had been given the same year.  I found that there had been a man that had seen a full date written in the ice. Unfortunately, the link to the article on the internet is not there anymore. That man was given an exact date, 1st February, 2022. 

We have eight years to go until 2022. Amos 8, mentions the 'religious festivals' so I looked at what will be happening on that date in 2022. As far as the festivals are concerned. In India, there is a major religious event, and it is known as 'Mauni Amavas'. In the Hindu scriptures, it is the day that the universe was created. It is written that it is a 'sacred bath to purify humanity from its 'clutches of materialism'. So you can also comprehend that, in terms of what happened in the time of Moses and Noah, and what is predicted to happen in 2022. Its no coincidence then that the movie about Noah, is coming out in 2014. 

The 1st of February 2022, will also be the Chinese Year of the 'Water Tiger', In 2008, those that know me in America, also know that the heavenly Father gave the theme song 'Eye of the Tiger', to Americans, during the election campaign of Obama. I shared with the people, that the 'Leopard Obama', is no match for a Tiger. Now we can see the reason why, there is nothing that Obama or his followers can do to stop what will happen in the Chinese Year of the 'Water Tiger', in 2022. 

The LORD has spoken, 'Kilamanju'. 

In the Judaism calendar,  that will be 'Rosh Chodesh Adar', the Jewish year of 5782, add those numbers up, and you get 22. 

22 is a master number of the divine feminine, it is also the master builder of charitable acts, and good causes. The powerful virtues of the Angels of elohiym, the healers of purification, and self-development to assist humanity. 

The numeric of 2, is also a cosmic numeric, and it enables people to revisit an ancient timeframe, its major for portal openings. In 2002, was the first time that I became consciously aware that it was the heavenly Father speaking to me, with his commanding voice. This was huge for me, because I had years of testing the Spirits, and I came to know who was pure and upright. I was also blessed to work with his Son for many years in divine training, for what was ahead of daughter Zion. The Son of God and Archangel Michael saw me through the Rev 12 timeline. The Son of God was guiding me during the Micah 4 timeframe and the mission to the USA, after the return from the mission to the USA, he said, 'The time is nigh', 'Now we are moving into a higher gear', after that the first blog came to be. 

Peace will be your governor, and well-being your ruler, just as the biblical prophecies predicted. 

In 2004, the heavenly Father shouted at me, 'Humanity needs YOU now!'. I immediately asked for instructions on what had to be done. Those instructions were sent out, few took any notice of them. As such, on Boxing Day, the Asian Disaster happened. It has been shown to me in recent years, that area is known for the 'Islamic Orthodox' and its 'violence'. 

The LORD warns us in advance, because he loves us fully, that is why he sent me, to deliver his messages, that can deliver the upright from death. Only those of the light can truly hear him, only the pure of heart can see his face. 

After, I finished the radio interview last night, I saw the numeric of 22's again. 

'This morning there were four severe flood warnings in place -- meaning a danger to life -- for Gloucestershire and Dorset, with a further 96 flood warnings and 222 flood alerts. UK'. 

So what will happen to the UK, if the waters rise 10 meters do you know? Or how about 30 or 50 meters do you know? The British Isles as you know them, will be gone, and its inhabitants with it. The people have to go at least 50 meters above sea level, and I have been compelled to share that with people since the 90s.

The night that I called out to the people 'Creation is Calling You', I felt a strong presence with Italy, we discovered afterwards that an earthquake in Italy, was happening as I was writing that message. Isaiah 8 also mentions the testimony of warning, and the importance of it in this timeframe. Amos 8, predicts that the 'Sun will go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight'. 'He will turn your religious festivals into mourning, and all of your singing into weeping'.

'In that day declares the Sovereign LORD, the songs in the temple will turn to wailing, many, many bodies flung everywhere, silence!'.

Nostradamus predicted what would happen to the UK in terms of the environment and the weather, he was also very concerned about France and what would happen to it. He mentioned three locations there, the artifice, those that have 'no sense'. He gave locations that are associated with the followers of St Francis of Assisi, and a location that is associated with the 'war of religions'. It is no coincidence that the current Pope chose to take the name Francis. Its another confirmation of the timeframe, of the Nostradamus prophecy to do with the weather and France.

He also predicted that the 'deluge' would come as far as the Olympic stadium, where the festivities were held. Do you honestly think that people will be singing at the Olympic stadium in Japan in 2022? Or about the Olympic stadium in Athens or London?

Amos 8 predicts that 'people will stagger from sea to sea, and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the LORD, but they shall not find it', after the judgement of the nations.

I will update this post with more links to support what I have written, I shall also upload the radio interview, for the upright that wish to listen to yours truly speak about 2022.








  1. Thank you kristine22, I've just noticed that the Germans intend to close all German nuclear power stations by 2022 instead of 2036. It is written that the decision was made in 2011.


  3. Hello,
    I had a dream in 2006 and received a date for the upcoming disaster for depopulating the world. The date i got was February 22, 2022 and I was not very proactive spreading my message. As the day nears I am feeling called to at least express this but not sure how well ot will be received and i am not interested in fear mongering. Any advice?

  4. Can you explain the dream that you received? I'd recommend that you start a dream blog.

  5. I need help w my dream! I just had it last night!
    2-22-2022 @ 2:22am! Exact date and time! We are invade by aliens and the take our men! Women and children are fine. I have a feeling that the Mayans were correct about the end of the Time in the world, it might not of ended in the way we thought I would, ya know boom, but it ended in a way that now the revelation shows apparently we are going to be invaded and they’re gonna take the men but the women and children are safe for some reason they’ve been watching us for years and they see that men are the problem because all they wanna do is fight and hate and they can’t ever come up to a conclusion for peace, but they also see that women we do everything we never get credit we never want fight, but we do fight for what we believe in, we try to find a peaceful solution we try to find an easier way. I neverRemember my dreams, I usually tend to wake up and forget them but the fact that this one stuck with me and I can remember pretty much every detail! I don’t remember why it was going on, but I remember most of the details I know there was lots fear, I know there was lots of love and safety if that makes sense, it’s also lots of confusion but the women and children were safe so can you please explain to me what this was about because I’m quite confused. Please email me back so I can get some answers
