
Tuesday 21 January 2014


Science and environment report, headline. 'Rosetta comet-chaser phones home'. Big smiles! Reporter, Jonathan Amos, and the 2022 message interview, included the prophecy in Amos 8.

It makes 'Rosetta' sound like an ET. ET phones home, and they're talking about what they're anticipating will happen in two years. Here are a few quotes from the press report.

It is written that there is 'Delight in the control room as Rosetta sends back a signal confirming it is "awake". "Rosetta, Europe's comet-chasing spacecraft, has woken from its slumber'.  

"Rosetta has spent the past 31 months in hibernation to conserve power as it arced beyond the orbit of Jupiter". 

"Three quarters of the way through the hour-long window of opportunity, they got what they were waiting for". "After 31 months in hibernation, what is 45 minutes to wait?". "I think it was the longest hour of my life, but also one of the most rewarding".  

"Rosetta is being billed as the big space event of 2014, and it is clear from the general and social media reaction to Monday's wake-up, that interest in the mission is considerable".  

Planetary feedback from Ben Davidson, made me smile, its dated the 19th January, 2014.

As the LORD said, 'Enjoy the Ride'.


'The wind blows from the south and turns to the north, round and round it goes, ever returning on its course'. Ecc 1:6 'The watchman found me as they did their rounds in the city, "Have you seen the one that my heart loves?". Song of Songs 3:3.

See YAH around.

'In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds.' Psalm 45:4 

As the heavenly Father said, 'JUSTICE SEAT'. 


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