
Monday 20 January 2014


The spiritual law is fascinating, especially when you know why some people are born gay, and that is to do with the deeds of the men and their wars. 

The LORD views woman as the glory of a man. When man loves and honors a woman, the LORD loves him beyond measure. The LORD exalts woman so that man can see, that he gives his glory to the gentle and tender hearts. Shiloh, Hesed. 

So it was, the LORD chose for it to be a woman, that would be the glory of his Son. And only selfless women of noble character are chosen to perform miracles.  Women that give their utmost attention, and purest intention. 

So what did American mothers do about their sons that were given the interest to join the military? 

Did all of those mothers give it their utmost attention, and purest intention? Did they explain to their sons, the consequences in a manner in which they could understand? 

Did they explain to their sons so that they could evaluate the outcome of joining the military? Did they put it on the wall in front of them, to ensure that it was there in black and white? Did you save your son? Or did he go in the military? 

My son, and his gentle heart of his soul, was saved, not by the military, but by his own mother. In so doing, she saved future generations. For my son is of my flesh and blood, and peacefulness in the being, is worth more, than most people value. What value is planet Earth, if it doesn't have peace upon it?

Its good to question the self, that is where the soul journey begins. People can get to the point whereby they ask themselves, 'Is it worth it?'.  

When people get to that point in their spiritual evolution, they are more open to choose more wisely, and accept what the LORD chooses for them, to assist their soul journey on the planet. 

However, due to the very low % of people who live in true peace, due to the military, there has been greater numbers of people being born gay, it is a karmic condition. 

Due to the very low % of male healers in the community, many female healers choose to stay alone, in the sacred peace of their holy sanctuary. As the Sons of Light know, they are noble in holiness. 

A man asked are you 'Lotus Feet', The LORD then spoke, and gave me a message to give to the man, and he said, 'JUSTICE SEAT'. I like that, Lotus Feet, Justice Seat' pure poetry. 'the LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love'. Psa 33:5

'Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, LORD, preserve both animals and people' Psa 36:6. 'A scepter of justice, will be the scepter of your kingdom'. Psalm 45:6. 

Psalm 72 mentions a royal son, that would be given justice and righteousness. Psalm 72, links into Psalm 45 and the royal bride that wore the golden gown. When yours truly wore that golden gown on the second mission to Israel. Afterwards, a spiritual Israeli, was sent the photograph, she responded with the word 'GLORY'. She knew in her heart, that finally, salvation had come. 

There is justice in the spiritual law of cause and effect and it can abound across many nations until the day comes when people choose to heal the effects, that impacted on the cause.  

People have the right of reply, and so it has been so, to benefit the Sons of Light. The prophecies predicted that there would be divine intervention, there were miracles delivered by the right hand. 

It tipped the balance in favor of the Sons of Light. As the LORD said to yours truly, 'Enjoy the Ride'. 

I am so happy that my Mars is in Virgo. Blessings in abundance. 

Shiloh, Hesed, Makom, ELOKIM. 

Blessed is the one that comes in the name of the LORD.

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