
Tuesday 21 January 2014

Message in a Bottle

Well it was in 2000, that I was shown that I would be given a new vision, and that certainly came to be. 

I always knew that there would be divine intervention to help the 'Sons of Light', and divine intervention certainly came to be in so many different ways. It brings great joy to my heart when miracles manifest, I always feel overjoyed by it. 

Now time for the next phase of the divine plan and the Christos Safari. God willing, the project for the teenagers will commence this year, there is so much to share with the children, that have so many questions. I hope to create the project, and implement it with a close friend, that also has Mars in Virgo. So let us see, what else the LORD has planned. 

The astrologer, Robert Wilkinson and I, are always aligned, so I am not surprised that he is also writing about how the Antarctica is melting, melting, melting. He as also written of how '80% of the world's population also live near water', and about the 'global catastrophe' relating to the 'ice melting'. [1]

He also shares the story with us, about how scientists in Canada found a 'message in a bottle', that a scientist had left for them in 1959. The scientist left instructions and information that predicted the Arctic Glacier Melt. [2] In the third link, you will see 'sea ice recovery 6th lowest extent in millennia'. the report from 'Skeptical Science', with graph.

They mention that there can be no recovery of the 'sea ice'. However, the recovery that I speak of, is the recovery of as many of the population and species, as possible. There is only eight years, to implement a rescue operation as per the '2022 Prophecy', so we must proceed, in the best way, that humanity knows how.

2014, being a seven year, it is about 'setting limits' and 'implementing boundaries' and it is about what people choose to do with their physical bodies. Hence, where will they choose to put themselves, friends and families? As a destiny numeric, its also about saving the planet, embracing a cause, philosophy and mysticism are the main aspects. It is the year of the spiritual teacher, and those that help humanity. You will see a lot more about the environmental, and spiritual aspects manifest in music as well this year. 

The heavenly Father said, 'They thought it was about love, its much more important than that'. 

'Paper', and where does paper come from? Trees! 

American Rock Musician Beck sings 'Paper Tiger', did they get the memo?

Its about the fact that many Americans are what is known as 'reactionaries', and spending years in different locations is enough.  Their response to, and with 9/11, was the way that America 'react's', every time they feel challenged.

Hence, the world views America, as a 'Paper Tiger with nuclear teeth'. [4] Take away their military, take away their weapons, take away their celebrity presidents, media, television. Take away their computers, internet, cars, mobile phones, jobs, freedom and liberty, and who are they inside?

Do they know?

Are they spiritually self-sustainable? We did warn them that a sea change was coming. They simply cannot stop the tides. A great offer of help, was offered to them divinely, how blessed they were to be shown that there are other possibilities, if they align with the divine plan.

'Righteousness delivers from death'.






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