
Tuesday 21 January 2014


When I was first sent to help Americans, they were so busy defending their position, that they weren't listening to what I had been sent to impart to them, the gentle waters of shiloh, and the testimony of warning.

The heavenly Father has spoken again, about what is going to happen to them. He was adamant about the message, and repeated it twice, and the second time, he said, to me 'Believe It'. I do accept his warnings, and heed them very seriously. I remember the days when he used to send Archangel Michael in the Rev 12 timeline to warn me. In the Micah 4 timeline, he also sent a man with the name of Michael. After that I was shown that Michael the man, was mentioned in the book of Daniel, with the Prince of Greece.

Watching what happened to the Christian orthodox being removed from the front page, in more than one location, in recent years, is also a sign of what they're up against, they walked straight into it, and even gave their approval to doing so. This song explains the situation in the USA,  'closest thing to crazy', and the biblical prophecies predicted what would happen.

I shared some life experience with them yesterday, and how the American model had to be replaced. The same thing was predicted in the book of Revelation, as far as the American woman is concerned. 

Neither the American model, or her model agency, complied with the agreement that was a written contract. The American model was being paid ten thousand pounds for the film shoot.  However, there was one condition that was imperative, she couldn't work for the competitor of the company. Then when the day came for the executives of Chanel to view the first cut, they recognized the American model. 

They knew that it was the same American model, that had worked for a competitor. At that point in time, it was the most expensive TV commercial that had ever been made and it had two film directors working on it together. The two directors, were both internationally known photographers.

One of them was well known for his photography of food, and the other one was well known for his photography of models. The whole film had to go in the bin, and the agency in England had to start again. 

The second time, the producer listened to wisdom, that he should've listened to in the first place. 

I advised him to hold a casting session in Paris and or Milan. The new model for the new shoot, was cast in Milan. No surprise then, that it was in Italy, that a spiritual Israeli healer and author, first came to meet and work with me, for the harmonic concordance in 2003. Prior to that there was a spiritual Italian who found me. 

However, if my memory serves me well, the new model chosen for the new Chanel commercial was actually a Latino. A lot of new models get a kick start in Europe, new, fresh, and classic faces. When my son was a teenager, he once said, 'Mum, spiritual teachers will be the next Super models'. The foresight and vision of a child. 

When I woke up this morning, I was given a vision of the sky and it was pink, does it remind you of code pink? Or does it remind you of the shepherds warning? Red skies at night shepherds delight, red skies in the morning, shepherds warning. After that I saw the blue sky outside my bedroom window, and there were loads of birds flying in my direction. There is going to be a migration you can be sure of that. Even the righteous brothers knew it would happen, and they sang about it in the 60's.

Then when I looked at the news, I noticed that the 'atheists' are 'fighting' again. How 'sad', that the Christian orthodox supported the 'atheists', to do what some of them do. In the way in which, some of the Americans do it.

As the world views America as the 'Paper Tiger with nuclear teeth'. It was after the 'Kilowatt, Kern County Prophecy' fulfillment, that I shared with the Christian orthodox that it is going 'nuclear'. Hence, they should've known that the 'nuclear reactors', were going to be a major force that would be turned against them.  As Jesus once said to me about the USA, 'The USA is the house that Jack built'.

Today, there is also a news item to do with dogs in the New Forest in the UK. 13 dogs have been found to have a 'disease' that is found in the USA, and it creates 'lesions on the legs of the dogs'. The disease is known as 'Alabama Rot', and they wrote that it creates'Kidney Failure'. They say that it mainly affects 'Greyhounds' and it was first identified in the 1980's.  They're calling it a sign, and it sure is, the kidney is about the shen of life. How are your kidneys? Mine are fine.

The vet said that they first saw cases of it in the UK, in December 2012, and how the 'trigger is unknown'. The vet David Walker, added that, 'the dogs that have pulled through, seem to be the ones that have presented on the disease course'. It seems that it has also been found in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight.

Who lives on the Isle of Wight? Isn't that were David Icke lived? I remember David Icke on the lecture circuit of the galilee of the gentiles. So yes, he did present in the same venues. If you could all work it out for yourselves, wouldn't you have done it by now? Brits, Europeans, Americans, you've had a 100 years to get it upright, you've had a 100 years to break the never ending cycles, so that you can be truly liberated.

The spiritual law that I live by gives freedom to humanity, how did the Christians or the religionists do that in the last 2,000 years? The biblical prophecies predicted, what would happen to the shepherds, and only those who have the divine favor will survive what's coming.

As creative as ever, they only wish to know, what I know, what if the bodhisattva decides not to tell anyone? What if I only help those, that the LORD chooses to bring to me with what is impacting on them, their lives and their health?  What then humanity? You wish to be helpers? Then how can you help, and what do you have to offer the divine plan to save humanity from itself?  Exactly, what do you have to offer humanity, and this planet?

So what have we got on Alabama? 'The Yellow Hammer', state. The state tree is the 'Long Leaf Pine', at least 86% of the population are Christians. 29% of their adult population is 'obese', they also have one of the highest incidences of 'diabetes'. What's the root cause of that do you know? Oh the followers of the Christian Church and David Icke, did a great job of that didn't they? [3] 

The heavenly Father said, 'Its just not cricket'. 




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