
Thursday 16 January 2014

Scotland Sperm Whale Found

News report about a 50ft sperm whale found on Portobello Beach, in Edinburgh. The report says that the Scottish drivers were stunned, as the truck hauled it away to a landfill site. They say it weighed 26 ton, I would like see how they weighed that. [1]

Now the research begins: to see why the whale found itself in such shallow waters. The hypothesis that they're putting forward is that the whale was following 'squid'. However, we all know what is going on in the North Sea, and how the tectonic plates are shifting around the world.

I mean seriously, as if an adult sperm whale would follow 'squid'. Sperm whales are far more intelligent than that. So it must have been something far more important to the environment, or its own life.

Whales often come close to humanity, to warn humanity about what is going on in the environment, so it is certainly a big warning for Scotland. I wonder did Findhorn get the memo, or about Spirit Aid? A sign of Jonah indeed, and in March 2014, out comes the biblical Noah movie.

That sperm whale comes right after the interview that was launched this month, about the environment and 2022.

I saw a report yesterday that others were also talking about how the nuclear reactors must be closed down.

A sweetheart who is Aspergers, asked me before Christmas, 'where is the calvary?'

Well it is certainly time for the golden celestial lance again that was given to yours truly in 2010.

Oh I remember it so well, my room was filled with great big hearts as well. All that love energy that surrounded me on the divine mission, I was so truly blessed. How wonderful it is to count our blessings, and the mammals that are sent as warnings.

As I was posting a link on the lance, the heavenly Father spoke and he said, 'France'. Nostradamus was very concerned about the weather and the environment to do with France.

So I wonder what does France have to do with it, if anything, with the whale that arrived in Scotland?

Oh I see, the whale was looking for a mate. Many warnings were given to humanity to get their priorities in order. Can humanity learn from the whales? They sure can learn from the animal kingdom about all sorts of things.

Hence the message from Jesus in the Essence Gospel of Peace, the teachings of the elect. He did warn them what would happen, and how important mother nature is to the survival of humanity. He provided an exact criteria, that were written in many texts, so that everyone would be fully aware of what to anticipate in the future when wisdom came. Wisdom will be proven right by her words, wisdom will be proven right by her actions. Humanity has been blessed with divine wisdom, when it really counts.

In March 2010, I had a dream, and I was in a garden in the countryside in Greece, and there were three men there that I had just met. The three men wouldn't allow me to urinate. I eventually found a place to go on the grass, and then when I was about to do it, a woman that I knew tried to touch my vagina. I wouldn't let her do so. After that, I was able to urinate.

According to ancient oracles, in dream interpretation, urinating, is to do with the increasing creative power, and or strength. It also signifies a release from tension. So it can be very positive. It is important to correlate different aspects of dreams, and if another woman tries to touch your sexual organs, it can indicate that someone is trying to impact on your reputation. In the dream it was a woman. I did what I had to do, and I went on the grass.

The timing of the dream was also significant, because that was the time when I left one location, and went to some other locations.  The dream was in the third month, and there were three men in the dream and they came from different realities.

So shall we share more about France and Nostradamus?

The Nostradamus prophecy is about this timeline, due to it relating to locations in France, that relate to the 'war of religions', the 'artifice', and St Francis. As we know, the current Pope chose to take the name of St Francis. Hence the timeline. It also mentions the 'hail' and the 'ice' and what it will do. The prophecies of Nostradamus are a perfect fit for the biblical prophecies like a glove on its hand.

Job 38, is a good reminder to humanity at this point in time; for you can be sure that the LORD will ensure, that his will be done, to save humanity from itself. 'Righteousness saves the upright from death'.

So anymore news about France? Its in the news right now.

FRANCE underestimated the level of hatred between Christian and Muslim communities in the conflict-riven Central African Republic, its ambassador to the UN has said.
Gerard Araud told a UN meeting on Wednesday that African Union and French forces were confronting a "nearly impossible" situation.
They were between "two communities who want to kill each other", he said. [3] 
Good job the holy mother gave the mystics rose for achieving the impossible.

The heavenly Father said, 'HESED'.

Indeed, heavenly Father, indeed. Thank you. I love you so much, always here caring for yours truly, so that I may continue to carefully for others.




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