
Friday 17 January 2014


I have to smile at the English press at their creative writing skills, and what they reveal to those that have the eyes to see.

This article is about the 'Operation Blue Star'.

As they spill the beans of what happened during the Rev 12 timeline and that the Sikhs were involved.

Fancy that, the Sikhs being involved as well. Boys will be boys when they're doing their utmost to defend their realities. Those angels did everything they could to get the wondrous woman from heaven to go to India. However, she kept on saying, NO! at that time.

Oh Revelation chapter 12. There was nothing that they could do to stop her, because the wondrous woman had the moon under her feet, and them with it. Of course, it was due to the heavenly Father, that she and the good angels were taken away from their reality. He had plans for her at that time, that she did not even know herself. A lot had been shared with her divinely. However, each part of the spiritual journey and its associated pre-destined divine missions, were only revealed when she was ready for them to be revealed. Also the healing journey was being enjoyed so much, her spiritual experiences with the Son of God, were abundantly awesome. Truly, a free Spirit, flying divine with the angels of Christos, sharing with others how they too could find their angelic wings to fly divine.

So what was the difference between the Sikh and myself? As always, I had put the effort into the healing process, and healing of self. I had given my trustful loyalty to loving kindness. I had become the harp of faithfulness, and a shield that honored others for their uniqueness. In so doing, defending the blessed angels with Archangel Michael by my side through it all. That was such an incredible spiritual journey. Awesomeness.

The LORD did send Indians to me for help. However, it was the girls and women that were most receptive to receiving abundance, so that they could make a breakthrough. He did send a young man in India as well. However, he wished to know XYZ, and wasn't willing to put in the effort to integrate ABC. He was offered my utmost attention and purest intention, free of charge. Some people are never satisfied, and they like it all handed on a plate for them. Its like the man that never learns to cook for himself, cos his mother did everything for him.

My son began washing, and ironing his own clothes, and cooking his own food at the age of eleven.

Did yours? Or did you do it for them? How do people learn, if you do it all for them? How do people live the divine teachings that are scientifically proven, if they are not willing to do their homework? Its only when people put the real effort into the self-healing process that they then have the experience and the wisdom gained from it. I view so much of what people write on the internet, and I can see immediately, who has put in the real effort, and who has not. It emanates in the way that they behave, and how they speak to, and treat others. Those that have truly done their homework, carefully for others, selflessly. They give alms as the LORD requested, and have the humility to accept the giving of miracles, and honor the name of the LORD that made it all possible.

Did Lakshimi share some of the journey with me? Oh yea, bless her. I still remember her asking kindly if she could join our healing group for the meditation. Of course, I welcomed her. For the Spirits had been tested by yours truly. The heavens are such a fabulous place to be, with different fabulous energies that come to you. The one known as Jesus was correct, when he spoke of the many rooms in his Fathers mansion. In my experience, each room that you are led to holds a different spirituality.

He told his followers that he would prepare a room for them, and he did, he prepared me handsomely for what was ahead of humanity. How could I ever thank him for what he did? The best thanks that I could ever give him, is to live it, to demonstrate it, to give glory to our heavenly Father, for everything that he has done for his divine instruments, that gave their everything for him. All for one, and one for all.

As blue as the cornflower, as bright as the sapphire, the flame of truth.

I wrote this from my heart last night.


He that knows 
can hold her,
in every way. 

She listens to 
what he has to say. 
Her heart glistens. 

When hearts meet
at the Lotus Feet.
A match in heaven is lit. 

The perfect fit. 

Then they can see 
the seat, and what 
made it possible. 

The flowers provided
the fragrance,
that rose in the heavens 
of ambrosia. 

He just had to follow 
the fragrance of his heart, 
to come to know, 
it really does exist. 

The sweetness of the nectar, 
its neatness and simplicity, 
fulfilled, awesomely. 

He placed the flowers at 
her feet. He loved her in 
his heart. It was the only way 
that he could show it. 

He was afraid in his heart, 
how could he, ever be good enough?
For one such as this?

There were some, 
that really, really, loved her. 
Purely for her heart, 
from their hearts, 
that was their saving grace. 

The LORD said, 'the Italians will come', 

Today, he also spoke of France. 

The LORD loves those that love her. 

Be rest assured that mother nature 
is in his hands.

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