
Thursday 16 January 2014


The LORD has spoken, and he said, 'He has got 24 hours'. I was then sharing briefly with a person on skype in Canada. While I was getting a link from my old blog to share, I came across a message to do with Amsterdam.

The original message was received on Monday, 10th October, 2011, and the post was called, 'Amsterdam 1,000 days'.

The message is written thus:

'Coming out of sleep state this morning, I was given, 'Amsterdam, its going to be bigger, and 1,000 days'. [2]

A few people are trying to work out the exact date of 1,000 days from the 10th October, 2011. Of course it depends whether you take a leap year into account.

I took another look at the original message and what had been written, and it mentions the flag of Amsterdam being black and red.

'Its flag is red and black, with three XXX's. The crossed sticks, in the ancient pictographs that became the Hebrew letter TAV and T and it means, mark, sign or signature.' [1] 

Now looking at the link on Amsterdam itself, it is written that its nickname is 'Mokum'. its motto is, 'Valiant, Steadast, Compassionate'. Mokum is a yiddish word, and I have Dutch Jewish ancestry. Mokum, means place or safe haven. Its like the Hebrew word 'Makom' and can mean 'place', 'location' or 'room'. 

No surprise, that the word 'Makom', includes the name that is on my birth certificate. A full post has been provided on 'HaMakom', for your consideration.  [3] 





  1. News update on what is happening in Holland, UK and other parts of Europe.

  2. Nostradamus gave warning about the 'ISIS conspiracy' and I did make some videos on it. Although much of the paperwork of Nostradamus had not been translated into English. So I had to work with what I had. In this article it mentions 'Holland',it also mentions 'ISIS' connected with Islam.

  3. 1,000 days from Oct 10, 2011

    Want to figure out the date that is exactly one thousand days from Oct 10, 2011 without counting?

    Your starting date is October 10, 2011 so that means that 1000 days later would be July 6, 2014.

    You can check this by using the date difference calculator to measure the number of days from Oct 10, 2011 to Jul 6, 2014.,+2011

  4. The 6th of July, 2014, is the 'Day of Desire'.

  5. There is also an Amsterdam in New York, located in Montgomery County.

  6. Sensation Event, Amsterdam, 2014.

    Beach Festival

  7. Fire and explosions at the Dutch Shell Chemical plant in Rotterdam. The blasts were heard 20 miles away, although the cause remains unknown.
