
Sunday 19 January 2014


In December I shared the story about what is now the 'Enjoy the Show Prophecies' [1] and the testimony of warning has been given to people about staying away from large venues.

Today, there is news about the 'Roundhouse' in Camden, London. On the 18th January, 2014, it is reported that the set collapsed on to the audience, during a' Furtzabruta acrobatic show'. About a week ago I was sharing about the American 'Round Table' plans, and how essential it was, that integrity was in place. I warned them of what can happen, and reminded them of the case of Russell Brand and Katy Perry. What did King Arthur do about his Queen that chose her career instead of having a baby with him. It was written in the press, that Katy had said, that Russell had chewed her up and spat her out.

So you can see, the true cockney Londoners, are not up for the American way, or its Americanisms, and it is the timeline for people being 'spat out'. The book of Revelation made it very clear what would happen in this timeline. 'So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth'.

The 'Overdose Dream', last night is very clear about humanities ''Overdose of Materialism'. Hence, it matters not what acrobats or performers you provide, it will not please the LORD, unless integrity is firmly established in her round house in New Jerusalem. That is what Isaiah 66 is all about, when he asks, 'Where is the house that you will build for me?'.

The LORD said to Moses, "how long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all of the signs I have performed among them". Numbers 14:11.

'The wind blows from the south and turns to the north, round and round it goes, ever returning on its course'. Ecc 1:6 'The watchman found me as they did their rounds in the city, "Have you seen the one that my heart loves?". Song of Songs 3:3. Big smiles, did you see her at the Roundhouse in Camden when she was a teenager? Or shopping in Camden when she was living with Adam in Hampstead?

Did you see her in London city when she was growing up?

Peace will be your governor, and well-being will be your ruler.


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