
Sunday 19 January 2014


Mars, is in the news, they've found a rock and the scientists say that they are "Completely Confused", big smiles!. They describe is as a "mysterious rock", that was found by the 'Opportunity Rover" and they say, "Its like nothing they have ever seen before" according to NASA.

"Astronomers noticed that the new rock had "appeared" without any explanation on an outcrop which had been empty just days earlier". 

NASA status report, "encountering a surprise". "keeps throwing new things at us". "everyone in the team, are arguing and fighting over what it means". "something wonderful, just beyond our reach".

They also add, 'While Spirit lost contact with Earth and was later declared 'dead' in 2010, Opportunity has now roamed the planet far in excess of what was planned as a three month mission'. [1]

It was in 2010, that I heard this song, and if I remember correctly, I was still in the dynamic sphere.

Interesting that my Mars is in Virgo the Virgin, on my physical birth chart. A great thing about Mars in Virgo, is that it is rational, and clear headed. It is due to this placing that the rules and traditions of man are 'discounted', of course this would also be enhanced by the fact that she has an Aquarian Sun.

Hence, the 'discounting', was shown again in the 'Overdose Dream', that I had last night, in regards to those that fill people up with pharmaceutical drugs.  What relation or compatibility does a wise virgin, have with those that are not? How could that ever be compatible in anyway? People have to be compatible in their hearts of essentials, and that which they value in life.

So the astrologers say that the only way that these people learn is due to life experience, that also aligns with the life of a healer of consciousness that holds the keys to it. First the learning, then the integration, of the rite of passage, then the wisdom is gained and shared. How many people comprehend the sexual initiations, and initiations that relate to relationships in work, career, and in their home lives? Do you know any?

How about the assets and liabilities of relations with friends, colleagues and life partners? 

What else does Mars in Virgo offer?

An analytical approach comes with Mars in Virgo, and they are full of 'resourcefulness and adaptability, guided by experience, common sense, and a healthy sex drive.' 'Bonds of affection built on kindness', [1] 

I like that, it also supports why people with Mars in Virgo are more prone to be divinely guided and, why resourcefulness, common sense are essential qualities.

'They seek to be useful to the people they care about, and they go out of their way to simply be of service. Of course there is usually a degree of reciprocity in this arrangement.'  [1] 

That also aligns with the divine plan, and the biblical prophecies.

'It's rare for a Mars in Virgo Lover to fall in love with anyone who is not in some way useful to him or her. An excellent basis for a relationship. Love that is defined in terms of common interests, common goals, and material independence'. [1] 

In other words, in this placing of the Virgin, they have to have something to offer the divine plan that she is involved in. She cannot be attracted by the same aspects that most women are. The common interests, common goals also applies to a lot of people that are involved in the cause of truth.

That is why, many stay with their own, and look for relationships within the truth movement. The same can be said of people from different spiritual philosophies.

These people look for relationships, friendships and work colleagues, with people that have a mutual interest that can benefit humanity. In many ways, it is a selfless love, for a higher cause and the biblical prophecies did predict that they would be given their perfect matches. What we're actually talking about here; is what is essential to their hearts, and the divine plan of their souls. Pre-destined and ordained.

Due to the rationality of Mars in Virgo, they also like to be with people who are rational and clear headed. Hence, they can be attracted to people who are also analytical in their approach, and romance with life itself. So, acumen, is certainly very important to a person with Mars in Virgo.

The Virgin can be a perfectionist in their work lives. In their home lives, friendships and relationships they're happiest when there is a perfect match lit in heaven. They choose their close friends wisely, although their kindness always assures that they are happy to help others if they can do so. They dare to do their best always, in all situations, and that can certainly trigger others like Princess Diana did. Her light shone like the brightest star, as blue as the cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth.

When young, it can take the Virgins a long time to work out what that kind of match feels and looks like, they gain a lot from experience of what doesn't suit them.  It isn't about what they look like, its about their manner, attitude, sensitivity, and what motivates them to do what they do.

Of course the ability to engage in a way, that gets the person's attention in a good way. If the intention is pure, a Mars in Virgo person will know it in close proximity, they will also know it, if it isn't. That's where their life experience, talents, skills and wisdom gives them dividends. Adaptability and fluidity, is also essential due to the sheer power of Mars in Virgo.

As they grow older and wiser, they certainly know very quickly, if something feels right or not. They are passionate and also tender, they are great givers for the cause of love. With Mars in Virgo, it is certainly a situation, whereby, its all for love. Everything they do is for love, and it is beyond measure.

The spiritually aligned, can also feel the energy of a person, by what they say and what they do, they know whether the energy of the person is healthy, in well-being, peace, and upright for them in integrity. They look through the eyes of respect, that is gained due to their emotional and spiritual maturity.

When they are ready for a new beginning or a new project, that will impact greatly on their lives. Of course, the more experienced they are, the better choices they make for their lives.

People are certainly sorted and judged by their words. For wisdom is proven right by her words and actions. Some astrologers say that Aquarians 'dissect' people prior to showing any interest in them.

That is certainly the case, when their hearts and souls can be vulnerable in love relationships. They can be cool and they can be detached, they like the winds to blow between themselves and their partners. Aquarians are independent freedom lovers, and they know full well, that a soul has to be free in its expression of its life.

Iconic women, tend to have Mars in Virgo in their chart. Jackie Kennedy, and Princess Diana being two people with it. Princess Diana, our Queen of Hearts. Hence it was Mars in Virgo, that would've had a huge impact on the choice that Princess Diana made to make that interview for television, about her relationship and marriage. The Mars in Virgo cause of truth for a higher cause that is pre-ordained.

Of course, with Mars it can make this aspect of a persons life the most important of all, and at different times in their lives for all of the upright reasons. 

'Relationships with Mars in Virgo can 'transcend obstacles, and remain mutually supportive', long after a relationship is over.  [1]

Hence, the victorious nature of the overcomer, and it has a lot to do with the Mars in Virgo the Virgin.

This planetary placement, has a calmness, and ability to transcend whatever a relationship or life throws at her. The sheer amount of resourcefulness; is what gets them through the storms until they reach the other side of them. This is not only experienced in their love lives, it is also experienced by those that watch them in their work lives.

Mars in Virgo, ensures that just like Princess Diana, there are plenty of new beginnings and fresh starts until they finally decide on the best way forward. Once they decide, the power of Mars is with them and it can be a very positive planet when people are mature. However, if there is ever any 'injustice' experienced, the other party will certainly know about it, then they can hear the sound of righteousness fire like a cannon.

Just like the British monarchy felt the response from Princess Diana in a dynamic way. Diana, dynamic when she helped the land mine children, and people with AIDS. When a person is involved in charitable causes; has Mars in Virgo, the community certainly come to know about it.

In fact, it is the only Earth sign in my chart, apart from the North Node. Very little Earth, to ground her,  although she has plenty of water, fire, and air. 

It would be interesting to know how many of the wise virgins mentioned in the biblical prophecies, have this planetary placing. The wondrous woman from heaven certainly does. In addition, there is a large star in her right hand, on the mount of Jupiter, and a palmist once said that it is also very rare.

Interesting that one of my very best friends is also Mars in Virgo, and truly, she comprehends where I am coming from, most of the time. She certainly knows how to fire those cannon balls as well, there are few men that will cross her, or push it one step to far. She makes it very clear in advance, what the boundaries are, and what her requirements are. Hence, few people can stand the sheer heat and passion of a woman or man with Mars in Virgo. 

Wonders will astound them, as the heavenly Father said, 'Enjoy the ride'.

He also said, 'This goes much deeper than they ever imagined possible'.

It sure does heavenly Father, as you said, 'Your love is as deep as the ocean, and as tall as a tree'.



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