
Sunday 19 January 2014


While sleeping I had a lucid dream. It was Christmas time, and Adam was in the dream. He was being romantic, he was holding my hand, and looking at me. He was wearing a blue suit. We were going for lunch in the countryside. When we arrived at the venue, everyone was being seated at their tables for Christmas lunch.

We waited for such a long time, people were getting very impatient. Then a waitress came and she said its going to be at least an hour, there were some issues in the kitchen. So then everyone ordered drinks.

After that the waitress came again, and she said, 'Its going to be at least two hours'. By this time, people were starting to get cross.

I suggested to Adam, that we go for a walk, and go to a pub for a drink there, instead of sit in the same position for such a long time. As we were leaving the venue, we spoke to reception about going somewhere else for lunch, and they said it was fine. Due to the long wait, the receptionists were OK about it, and I asked her if we could claim for our lunch, and she replied that we could.

After Adam and I left the venue, he was also cross, and he told me how much he had paid for the tickets, and it was 85 pounds for the two of us.  I said, 'well, we should be able to claim all of the money back.' It wasn't just about the money and cost to him, he was upset, because he had planned a special day, and it hadn't gone to his plan.

After we left, then others followed us. Amongst the people that left as well, were some female colleagues and friends. We all went to the same country pub. On the way there, I suggested that we have lunch there. We were served with wine, and the red wine, was more like a rose. We would've have preferred a full-blooded red wine with our meal.

In the next cameo of the dream, and the most important part of it, I had gone upstairs, and am in a corridor, and there are two young men on the floor. It was clear to me, that the two men had been pumped full of pharmaceutical drugs. They looked like they were having a fit, they were having convulsions, the medical profession had given these two men an overdose of brain altering drugs, it had impacted on all of the responses of their body. [1]

I was really cross, I was truly righteous, and I was rebuking people in a room, where the two men were, due to what had happened to these two men. The two men were now surrounded with people looking at them, they had their backs to me, and they would not let me near the two men.

There was a man that looked like he was on some kind of bench, like you would see in a court room. He responded, that it was not the time or the place for me to say, what I had said, about what happened to these two men. Did I care what he said about me? NO!

Then the dream ended, and I was not happy about what happened. Who was he to tell me, what I can and cannot do, when people are being treated in such a way by humanity? What recourse do those two men have, when the law is such, that they have no human rights where the medical profession is concerned? As the law of man stands, the medical profession can do whatever they like to people, without their consent, without anyone really being there for them.

There are Mind Charity advocates, and they do their best when individuals are aware that they can be accessed. However, where are the healers for these people, where are the people to stop people being given an overdose?

So while some people were having their Christmas lunch, other people were being given an overdose of drugs. Did the meal taste good? Did you enjoy it? Or did you give a thought, or do anything for those that are suffering? Did you do your best to defend them, and speak the truth in their defence?

Did you care what others thought of you, for trying to help others? Did you care if others would judge you for standing up righteously? Or did you just do it anyway, because your heart of love and mercy compelled you to do so?

Hence, the importance of priorities in life and another reason why we said, 'No, Christmas 2013'. In the last 13 years, I can put my hand on my heart, and say that I have worked through every single Christmas to help people on the internet, can you say the same? So many people suffering, so many people that have been forced to take pharmaceutical drugs. Is it any surprise at what the Creator plans to do to this planet, due to humanity refusing to listen and turn their hearts to the children?

Do you know, that there are even parents that ask for the medical profession to drug their children? What can I say, psychiatry is the industry of death, and righteousness delivers the upright from death.

People in the West, have had such an overdose of abundance in life, they forget those that have an abundance of drugs in their bodies. So there you have it, a different type of forgetfulness, caused by an 'overdose of materialism'.


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