
Saturday 18 January 2014

CHRISTOS SAFARI 'Enjoy the Ride'

Well still on Skype as the LORD said, 'They must hear your voice'. There has been some interesting feedback about my English voice, and how different people view the sound of it, and what has been shared recently. The woman of noble character, and they certainly got lot more than they were anticipating, and some didn't get what they were hoping for. As I shared in the beginning, you can't please, all of the people, all of the time. All you can do, is your best and put your right foot forward and then your left. Those Lotus Feet they will never forget, as she brought so much back to their remembrance in the dance.

The pent-up flood came with the breath of the LORD, he poured her out from the divine shrine for 13 years on the internet, in the social networks and different communities. Every phase of the information sharing was implemented as ordained, and now it is time to move on the Safari again. Our children are ready as mentioned in Isaiah 8. Shiloh did come, and so did the testimony of warning to humanity.

Who could share without triggering, when faced with the Christos love of a bodhisattva, and who couldn't, do you know?  Oh, the difference between people who have healed and those that have not, is so obvious and clear. Its amazing what happens when you either sit or stand in integrity.

Prophet Isaiah was correct about the flame of Joseph, and how only one in a thousand would be able to stand before me in integrity. The 'Dead Sea Scrolls' warned them in advance, to accept the corrections of wisdom. Jesus also spoke of the wisdom and shared with his followers, that 'wisdom will be proven right by her actions', 'wisdom will be proven right by her deeds'.


The fruit of life is amazing, and I only kept the very best fruit to serve to my guests. Friendship can be like that as well, sometimes it can take many years to know a person, to really find out who they are, and where they are coming from.

For sure, some of the very best fruit cannot be found on public forums, and that is a reason why many people wished for me to leave the internet. In many ways, I was blessed that so many, held me such high esteem. The sheer amount of effort, the love that was poured out, the mercy, the signposts, and all of the messages. So many hearts were shared, and as I said to an American guy today, they won my heart, and yes, the good angels do have lovely voices. So the feeling is mutual. How powerful a voice can be, when people are willing to put it on the line. It was an awesome journey guys. Always in my heart, sing your hearts out.

Much was said and written about yours truly, in the history of my time on the internet. However, all they could bring to the divine court was rumors. Do you know why? There is always two sides to a story, and that is why they refuse to face me directly with any evidence in the public domain. That is another reason why I kept on asking for the facts! How many of them fled from the flame of Joseph, and the truth of yours truly?

How many refused the evidence and proof that I offered to them? As soon as I offered the Christian orthodox, my credentials and references, they were silent.

I will always remember the last words of Omega, and what they do to the food. Remember the food prices are going up and up, so now it is time for Safari again, and I know exactly who I have to go to see. Another friend that wears sackcloth from Safari, exploding hearts.

My wardrobe filled with sackcloth is Safari, the Safari clothes are all colors of the rainbow and more, of course they would be, wouldn't they? The coat of many colors, the royal bride also has the golden gown that was predicted in the prophecies. Maybe now I will get the opportunity to wear it again on the next mission of the social visionary. Helping the children to find what they hold within, so that they can be empowered enough to take their power back. Oh yea, she has the new empowerment model, tried, tested, with stunning results. Here comes the Safari women to help the children, Michael would be so happy.


The heavenly Father said, 'Enjoy the Ride', I certainly shall, I am looking forward to it. As we know, Chinese New Year this year is the Chinese Year of the Horse, and it begins at the end of January. Its always a powerful year for yours truly, and my birthday as well on the 13th. Its going to be awesome, and I can really feel the heat being sent to me, as I write this, the power of love that is with me always.

'In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds'. Psa 45:4 'At your right hand is the royal bride in gold', Psa 45:9.


The moral of the story?

Never underestimate the power of love.
Never underestimate the power of an Aquarian, or its ageless wisdom.
The 21st century was born in her wisdom.
Never underestimate a woman of noble character.
Never underestimate, the power of the divine in manifestation or its mercy.
Never underestimate, the power of Christos and the best fruit.
Never underestimate, the power of the word and its alchemy.

Always honor a true spiritual alchemist.
The Avatar of Synthesis
Always honor the miracles.
Always honor the LORD and those he sends to help you.
Always honor the righteous healers and how they express it.
Always honor trustful loyalty and faithfulness.
Righteousness delivers

So yes, now you know,
why the LORD ensured
that she was the best professional estimator.
She knew the cost involved, did you?

She was responsible for the budget, and how the time was spent.
Did you attend the casting sessions? Or how about the recordings?
Did you meet her in the studios? On the film set, or in the editing suite?
Did you do the contracts? Or work out the repeat fees?

Did you see the film cans? Or are you to young for that?

Did you see the director, the producer, photographer?

Did you see the music being written, direct the voice overs,

did you even know who she was, when she was wearing her riding pants.

Did you have the humility to listen?

Were you trained by her, to be the best that you can be?

Did you have the courage and the confidence to live your dreams?

Did you do your homework, and put the real effort into your spiritual fitness?

Did you shine like a star, so that you could be seen?

Did the Sun give you the heat of love, that was required?

Did you rise and set with the sun, to rise again?

Did you have the moon under your Lotus Feet?

Christos Safari Time 


Check out this amazing photograph

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