
Saturday 25 January 2014


And due to the AVI message posted yesterday, I say to you, 'No Purple Tomatoes'. No 'GM food' at all for any reason. Purple tomatoes are in the news today, apparently, the 'GM tomatoes' were developed by scientists in Norwich. Sorry guys, only organic and natural will do.

The 'GM purple tomatoes' were developed in Britain, and are in large scale production in Canada, the news report shares with us.

What do you think that the wondrous woman from heaven was doing in the Rev 12 timeline? There will be no purple brigade, due to what Rev 2 says about those that came from it. Weather girls, 'Its Raining Men'.

You have to go beyond the men of theosophy, that is why the LORD put them under his Lotus Feet, those that followed the woman that came out of theosophy stayed where they are in the same groove.

Its men embraced the purple flame, instead of the blue flame of truth of the teachings of Archangel Michael that help people to overcome and be victorious.  Blue as a cornflower, bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth. The flame of Joseph, Yosef, and its love beyond measure, the cause of truth.

They do make me laugh, Professor Martin says the Canadian system is 'very enlightened'. Try telling that to the indigenous native Canadians. Do people that are willing to grow 'GM crops', even know the meaning of the word 'enlightened? See what the men did? Did you see anyone from theosophy distribute this picture, and information for Kevin Annett? Or did they try to silence him?

How enlightened are people that grow 'GM Purple Tomatoes'? Well, the year of the horse can dance all over those crops. We are inter-galatic, order of Melchizedek ever seen those colors?

Reality check!

The Justice Seat of Lotus Feet says, NO!

This is the divine court, and the worlds scientists will yield to divine will, and integrate the wisdom of Creation, or leave the planet.


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