
Saturday 25 January 2014


Yesterday, I posted about the 'Golden Bear' that I had seen shinning from the lamp outside my kitchen window. It was in the direction of the prosperity gateway. Now there is news about the supernova, and how it has been seen in the northern hemisphere, between the Great Bear, and Little Bear.

'When SN 1987a was discovered it was the nearest supernova observed by astronomers since 1604. SN 1993J was then the second-brightest supernova to be observed this century when it was discovered on 28 March 1993.

A supernova occurs when a star – or stars – explode. It can emit in a matter of weeks as much energy as our sun is expected to emit over its entire lifespan (around 10 billion years - 4.6 billion of which has passed already).' 

The USA reports another shooting, this time at Maryland Mall, Baltimore. 
Apparently three people have died. [2]
Yesterday, I posted the video that sang about Mary, the monks were dressed in brown, and they were singing, 'they won't take us alive'. I also posted the 'AVI' message and it was to do with an American 20 year old,  that had been given an overdose of pain killers, and then he shot himself. People with common sense would ask,  why was a gun given to a child for target practice, when it was experiencing such a serious disease? Seriously, do American Fathers, have any brains at all? 



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