
Sunday 26 January 2014


I was listening to this lovely song from Celine Dion, and its called 'Eyes on Me'. Then the LORD said 'You're a Fallback'. As the song relates to an American singer, and the words that she is singing, why would he say that America? There are a couple of words in the song, that I would not have included.

If I had been Celine Dion, I would have had those two words replaced and rewritten. It was after I read the lyrics that the heavenly Father spoke.

One usually speaks of the terminology of 'Fallback', as far as one's position is concerned. The 'Fallback' position, can relate to a place or location, to which a person can return, or retreat to.

Something or someone to turn to, or return to, as an alternative e.g. an option. The fact is, that they don't have any option, and they don't have any choice now. There is only one way forward, and so far, I haven't seen anyone in the American truth movement, getting on with it.

So maybe, dare I say it, that it might take a 'nuclear event', on their own soil to make the difference to the American Church. Maybe then, they will take it a lot more seriously, because the impact of Katrina didn't seem to make any difference, upon the way, most Americans live their lives.

The word 'Fallback' also has a military application of 'falling back behind the lines' for safety purposes, and that can relate to being the rear guard, with reinforcements. It can also be to do with 'breaking the military action, with or against what they perceive to be standing against them. Some Americans view that everywhere.  The same happens in the UK with the Church. As they said to yours truly, they have people in all the important places, and they said that they have it all covered.

Alas, it is clear that they don't have it all covered, because a civilization can be wiped out, if the warnings given, are not progressed immediately. It has happened time and time again, yet humanity, still choose to learn the hard way, instead of the easy way. How sad it is, that they always leave it to the very last minute, and then its too late, to do anything about it.

They were given so many opportunities to make a breakthrough, in so many different locations. However, it was what they held within themselves, that was holding them in the status quo, of the same never ending grooves. Of course that doesn't only apply to America, it applies to all of the nations.

I can put my hands on my heart, and look back in hindsight, and say that I did give the American truth movement, my utmost attention, and purest intention. Now its truly time, for higher ground once again.

I actually feel like painting again now. This lovely song always makes me feel like painting. To paint, to write, and to heal. The peaceful governor with the measure of well-being.

Praise the LORD 

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