
Sunday 26 January 2014


Last night I had another 'Adam' dream, this is the second 'Adam' dream in the last week. I was with a female friend in some kind of social venue.  Then Adam arrived, and he said, something like, 'I've had to sort my marriage out because of you'. I replied, 'Why, what's happened, what's happened Adam?". We then hugged each other and were in each other's arms, he was very emotional.

It was very close and loving, so I said, to him. 'Just friends Adam, just friends, tell me what has happened'.  He then replied, 'I am cursed'. I was so surprised by his response, it woke me up from sleep state.

When I woke up, I did wonder if the name of 'Adam' is as he said, and whether it actually goes back to the biblical story for him. Whether it is actually appropriate, for any baby boy to ever be given that name ever again. Is it beyond most peoples comprehension, as far as consciousness is concerned?

Also if we look at the word in English, A DAM and as we know, a dam stops the natural water from flowing, and Adam was a Piscean, the two fishes, that likes to be close to water. Its also the end of the Piscean age, and it has overlapped with the birth of the new Aquarian Age. What took place in the last age, impacted on the new one, because the past creates the present, and the present creates the future.

I also pondered upon the possibility of what he said, in terms of humanity itself, due to what the biblical prophecies predicted would happen, if humanity did not accept what the LORD sent to help them.

In Jewish gematria the value of Adam is 36, and in English gematria it is the value of DNA. [1]

In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 29, a prophecy is written that 'the LORD will blot out their names from under heaven'. Deu 29:20.


In the Hebrew Lexicon the word 'blot' means to 'wipe out'. If people have a middle name they could use that instead. If I have more dreams about him, for my part, I will do my utmost not to write his name again.  I shall just write ex-husband. No more baby boys given the name.

I was about to respond to this in the pubic domain and the LORD said, 'You are the keeper of the gates'. 


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