
Saturday 25 January 2014

AVI Message

The LORD said, 'AVI', and it means, 'My Father'. [1] As it is written in the flesh of my right hand. [1] In Sanskrit it means,'The Sun'. There is a location in Iran with the name of 'Avi'.

I looked to see if there was any news on 'AVI', and there is a press article dated the 23rd of January, 2013. The headline is 'Painkiller Paradox: Feds Struggle to Control Drugs That Help and Harm'.

Avi, is the father of a beautiful child that 'killed' himself after he became 'addicted to painkillers'.

Michael had been prescribed the painkillers because he had been suffering from Crohn's Disease since he was a teenager. The 20 year old 'shot himself with a gun.' The article says that 'Overdoses have been rising rapidly, now killing 15,000 americans every year.' and I had a dream about two young men that 'overdosed', the other day. [2]

How could anyone in their right mind, be willing to prefer what they have, to what could be, a miracle for children such as this? Its heart breaking for a mother that has worked with Crohn's Disease, to see this news report.

If only they had listened, and supported the divine plan for healing domes dedicated to children, and the intensive healing requirements for children such as this. If only they had turned their hearts to the children, and the divine will to help them.



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