
Saturday 25 January 2014


The light on the lamp outside my kitchen window, keeps on shining golden stars and shapes, in the golden light. I have seen a golden dog, and a golden bear this night. My mother had a golden bear on her bracelet. This band is called 'Golden Bear', and I had dream of a monk dressed in brown.

In the Jesse fresco of yours truly in the the Vatican, there is a man dressed in brown sitting behind me. This is a picture of it prior to the restoration of it. As you can see my eyes are wide open!

I was sitting in that same position when they photographed me at the holy gathering in Israel in 2006.


In the biblical prophecies it mentions how they would 'growl like bears' and 'moan mournfully like doves'. Isaiah 59:11. That reminds me of the American doves, that I met in St Augustine, Florida.

'Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs', Hosea 13:8, Proverbs 17:12,  than what an American orthodox Christian just emailed me. I responded to him, 'Do you know what Jesus said about that? Best you read about it'.

This painting was done for a dear Spanish lady ROSA, bless her soul. She is the mother of my Aspergers friend, and her daughter is a nurse.

Job mentioned the Bear and its cubs? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons, or lead out the Bear and its cubs? Job 38:32

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