
Saturday 21 December 2013

Viking Luke Painting

Last week I was compelled to paint a mandala for a man called Luke. This strange picture came to be. As soon as I began spreading the paint, I began to receive divine messages for Luke and about Luke. I didn't post it last week, because the Viking did not seem to be open to receiving. So I watched to see what unfolded, before I chose to post this.


The first message that I received was 'Seaweed', and I usually associate 'Seaweed' with Chinese food. However, with all messages for individuals, it is important for the person themselves, to comprehend the message and what it means to them.

I then received the word 'WOS', within days there was a topic in the social networks with the word 'WOS'. After that I was given the word 'Nails', and the nails can be an indicator of the health of a person. I was then given 'Gamma Rays', and I experienced a 'sharp pain in my right thumb'. Could it be that a nail was hammered in this thumb in this life or another one? The right thumb is also to do with the will of God and it is also to do with the mount of Jupiter that is about expansion. Luke would be well advised to find out how Jupiter is impacting upon him and his energies in this timeframe.

I recommend that Luke has some hand and feet reflexology, to help him, due to what is being experienced in his body and meridians.

As I was painting, I could feel the energy of 'leeches sucking the blood' from him, and they are also mentioned in the biblical prophecies to do with Obama. Luke has experienced extensive 'psychic attack' upon his being, and that type of energy is described in Rev 17 to do with the USA.

I was given the word 'Hearing' from the heavenly Father, and there is a lot going on due to what he is listening to. Luke is being asked to listen to the right people for the right reasons. This man was a Viking in a past life, and I was also given Sweden as a country in relation to him. Luke has been a mighty warrior in many lifetimes, and he simply has to heal it this lifetime. Luke has to make a breakthrough. It is to with his originating DNA, and it requires instruction. There are two crosses overlapped in the painting in Royal Blue, with a yellow background, those two colors also link to Sweden.

This man has to spend time in the countryside, in nature, in peace and well-being. I also see a past life in the time of the legend of Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest in England.

However, in that past life he was on the other side and he was surrounded. The warrior aspect of him, is attracted to those that create the 'friction' due to many past lives. It is not healthy for him, to be involved in such aspects of life, when there is a lot of healing work to do on self. The Muse released this song in 2007 Luke. The year I was sent to the domain where you were. You know, I tried to reach you at the time of bereavement, and your heart. I comprehend consciousness and am a healer of it. We can heal it together Luke.


Our brave knights have to be fit and healthy, to become righteousness, to defend the people and themselves fully. Integrity of the being is essential, through healing, the body is justified, and purified, the body is raised up, to go beyond, with the light that soars through the heavens.

Then today, another 'Muse' song was posted, and it is called 'Time Is Running Out'. It is giving a similar message, as the one received from the heavenly Father while I was painting,

I carefully for you Luke. However, please listen, please hear, please comprehend. You can heal this and healing is in under the wings of your feathers. However, it will take your utmost attention, 100%, and purest intention. I am willing to help you, to give you healing insight and wisdom. However, it is up to you, to choose to align your will with the will of your soul, and its divine plan.

The LORD did not forsake you Luke, he offers you salvation, if you are willing to accept it.

Do I have to beg you, like a mother begs her only son not to join the military? Do I have to ask you, as I asked my own son, what is your motivation? Do I have to cook for you, to make sure that you receive the right nutrients for healing the nervous system and the other systems in your body?

I cannot weep anymore Luke, for the sons of our nations. I cannot be the grieving mother anymore Luke, it impacts on my health, its time to ascend like the phoenix from the ashes.

Healing started with a prayer Luke, it also began with a dream. Star Wars is over Luke, its time to heal our brave warriors.

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