
Friday 20 December 2013

They've Got A Screw Loose

Yesterday, the heavenly Father said, 'Sadhu'. In Sanscrit, the word can mean 'to reach one's goal', 'make straight'. [2] I also received a message from a person known in our spiritual community as 'Nikki', she shouted, 'leave, they will follow'. That is certainly a message for all that knew her, the she that was once a he, in the military. Nikki was transgender.

However, today, this empath just keeps weeping with tears. I have done a self-check of reality, and these tears are empathic, they're a warning of what's coming, an alert of a major event. Mostly likely, in the USA. All I can say at this point, is that it will be 'heart wrenching'. That is the clairsentience that I am getting with it.

Here's some more information on a 'wrench', as we know, a 'wrench' is a 'metal object' and it is used to tighten or loosen something.  [1] So what does it do? It tightens the 'bolts', or 'loosens' them.

The heavenly Father said, 'They've got a screw loose'. That phrase can mean that they're 'crazy', in a very serious way. In the UK, a 'screw', is a slang word word for a 'prison officer'. I am now picking up the word 'calamity'. Doris Day, 'Calamity Jane', singing, 'Black Hills of Dakota'. 1953. 'She didn't know how good she was'. Doris Day has been passionate about animals welfare and rights. She currently lives at 'Carmel-by-the-Sea', California and her profile says that she is a 'Christian Scientist'. It looks like that she has outlived her husbands, and her child.

Carmel-by-the-Sea, is on the Pacific coast. This is in the county of Monterey, isn't that the same place where there has been some incidents with people dying due to some kind of virus? No, that was Montgomery.

History shows us that Carmel is Indian country, and the profile mentions the 'Esselen'. These tribespeople spent most of their time naked, and their diet consisted mainly of acorns. From Acorns grow the Oaks of Righteousness.

In 2010, the Esselen had petitioned the American government to acknowledge them as a tribe.

Apparently, there has been some excavation at the Carmel River. They're removing a dam over the next three years. and, or longer, and it means that they will have to divert the Carmel River. Cost $83M.

As we know there are biblical prophecies to do with the Carmel, due to its connections with Israel.  Isaiah 33:9, 'Carmel Drop Their Leaves', and it also mentions the name Sharon, as we know Sharon lives in California, and she is back on the X-Factor in the UK. Isaiah 35:2.

“As surely as I live,” declares the King, whose name is the Lord Almighty, “one will come who is like Tabor among the mountains, like Carmel by the sea.". Jeremiah 46:18 Both Amos and Nahum, spoke of Carmel withering'. 

Tabor in Persian means 'Drum'. Its also the Anglicized spelling of Tavor from the Aramaic that means 'Break', 'Fracture', or 'Misfortune'. 

There is a news report that Big Sur schoolchildren were bussed to Carmel on Monday, due to fire. However, the smoke has drifted to Santa Cruz.





1 comment:

  1. Remember the message that 'They've got a screw loose?' Today, there is news that the 'Screw Publisher', Al Goldstein passed over in Brooklyn, New York. He was 77 years old. I am sure that many mothers are pleased to be able to say Ciao to him.
