
Friday 20 December 2013

Feathers Remembrance

This morning when I woke up, there were large white birds in the sky that looked gold with the gleam of the sun that was upon them. Other birds were following the golden birds, I had to keep looking at them, they looked so glorious. It was a reminder of a prophecy, of how they would be able to see the silver and golden feathers when she came. In the 90's, I wore three silver feathers with crystals the colors of the sea, as I had been instructed to do at that time.  I also wore a silver necklace, that had been created by Native Americans in the USA.

The Native American medicine man, with his drum is very good at breaking cords, when it is time to move on. The day that my Native American Spirit Guide came to say goodbye to me, it was heart wrenching, as we had worked together daily for five years. So the medicine man came with his drum, my small drum is with a colleague at the moment. Although, I do plan to retrieve it.

As the tears flowed, while I was giving healing, then Mother Mary appeared before me. The next phase of the spiritual journey began, in the splendor of her love. Self-discipline that was essential had been integrated, the Native American Chief had tamed the wild horse. It could be ridden in the light of purity and holiness.

I was ready for the next phase, although it was unexpected and happened suddenly.

The divine feminine, and to know and experience the divine feminine from different cultures. It was a wonderful spiritual journey. So much love was showered upon me, so much truth was shared, so that my being, would be holy, to see the Lord.

I have come to know that if a person has been a Native American medicine man in a past life, sometimes, they do their utmost to break the cords of affection, between two people. However, in the sounds of the words, that they have written, or spoken, I know that you can tell, whether their intention of outside interference was pure.

I have seen it written in social networks many times, many have done their utmost, to stand between love that is truly felt in the heart. A love so pure that it is beyond most peoples comprehension. It can happen in friendships as well. However, friendships that are truly divine, are always there for each other, and nothing can ever come between you. No matter how near or far, the heart of pure intention is maintained when people come from pure intention in the first place.

It can certainly be a test of integrity, and pure intention. As I wrote to the Americans the other day, this timeline will require your utmost attention, and purest intention. When people step into the inner sanctum of the entrusted one, they are on holy and sacred ground. It takes huge trust in a person that can offer a healing miracle, in the will of the LORD. It means complete surrender to the healing process, knowing full well that you are loved beyond measure.

For the LORD is showing you, that he has not forsaken you, when the entrusted one is sent to help you. However, if people are not used to doing very serious inner work, it can trigger their issues and that is why huge trust is required.

I remember when I first married, and the priest gave everyone a reality check. He asked everyone in the congregation, family and friends, to make sure that if they saw any outside interference, trying to break this newly married couple apart. That it was their responsibility and duty, to step in, and make sure that nothing could put the love of this couple asunder. That family and friends were to ensure that they stayed together, by pushing them back together, in the love that they enjoyed that day.

When he left I said to him, 'no one, will ever love you, as much as I love you'. Five years later I saw him, and he said that every word that I had spoken was true, he repeated those words and more of what I had said from my the heart of my soul. However, history has a way of repeating itself, remember this, that a man that leaves a woman because he wishes to be with a different woman, will do it again and again. Sometimes the cycle has been created by family relationships, the same can happen in friendships. I am pleased to say, that I have friends that have remained friends for 30 years.

I was sharing the other day that I was blessed to grow up in a family, whereby my parents were more in love in their 50's, then they were in their 20's. How romantic the RAB was, and how their life was filled with their romantic love. I came to know the reason why, I became an incurable romantic.

The Son of Joseph, the RAB, was a great giver of romance, a great giver of surprises. I came to know that is one of the reasons, that I like to surprise people, with a little something that I know that they will like. Precious memories of parental love, that was truly divine most of the time. In spiritual psychology we say that the relationship with the Father figure impacts on careers, and the Mother figure impacts on relationships.


Divine love truly ordained by God, is different to the love that most people enjoy. When you have truly loved divinely, only the divine can match its awesomeness. Divine love is so supreme, so pure, so holy. Nothing can remove its existence from God, and those that try, get swept away when the tide comes.

Its hard to watch sometimes, as you see what is happening to the beings of others. That then reminds me of what happened to the marriage. When he took her away from the Son of Joseph in London, it was like a mighty ocean swept over us both, and he was swept away.

At least you know in your heart, that you shared your heart of supreme love, and hope that people remember it. A light of divine love that is forever lit in their hearts, to remind them of the difference.

The light that is lit forever in the Kingdom of God.

That is how my love is for the Native Americans that are covered in feathers, that is how my love is for the Mayans that are covered in feathers. That is how my love is for everyone that is covered in feathers, including the children of the world that are covered in the wings of angels. The biblical prophecies predicted that the shield of faithfulness would come, and they would be covered in feathers.

Her children sing, they know that she gave them a safe haven, a real life sanctuary of life experience. There they could redeem their strength and courage inside. In the peace of her healing love, and giving of healthy food. They found their own peace once more, and paradise was regained. Peace was their governor, and well-being their ruler. 

A refuge, where they rested, and she raised their vibration in the presence of the divine. Under the feathers of a white dove, she became a gracious swan, they healed in serenity, joyfully and spiritually. 

The day came when I was to wear the golden key of life, and I still wear it today. For Egypt and its ancient feathers, are also sacred to me. Was your heart weighed, and was it, as light as a feather? 

One of the last messages that the Lakotah, Russell Means delivered to the world before his passing, was the sheer importance of the divine feminine energies, to help humanity to heal the nations. This is the mandala that he chose when I asked him to choose one that I had painted. When I asked him the question, the mandala gently drifted like a feather from the wall. Russell was a mighty feather for his people, forever in our hearts, like a light of righteousness that he was. Yes, he can be found in the biblical prophecies, it was divine intervention that he came to help his people.

Remembrance is important, to remember all that was good, just sharing life experience, as Russell used to say, 'today, is a good day'. Although, I haven't opened the post yet! The sky is blue, the sun is shinning in this beautiful countryside, of England. The land of Joseph.

1 comment:

  1. Birds of a Feather returns to British TV Screens
