
Friday 20 December 2013

Aspergers Apollo

On the 8th of December a friend sent me a message from her ipad, in response to some information about the incredible Egyptian black boxes and she wrote, 'Maybe Father Christmas put them there'.

When I looked at my mobile her brother who is Aspergers had sent me a text message on the 6th to 'Enjoy the Show'.

So I posted the message and a response was, 'I suppose it depends on how the show is birthed'. I responded, 'That's true, my 'A' friend is always going on about 'Pete Tong', due to what the British government is doing to the vulnerable like him. On the 6th December, 2013, he wrote: "Hello there. Happy Tongeve. Enjoy the show'. 'He is very intuitive and sometimes prophetic. He contacts me sometimes with specific dates that he is concerned about, and I always try to put his mind and heart at rest'.

On the 13th December, 2013, I received another text message from 'A' about the show again. At 04.46PM he wrote: 'Hello there. Happy Tongeve. :-) enjoy the show. Happy Tongeve. :-) enjoy the show. Happy Tongeve'.

That was the same day, that the national newspapers were doing theatre reviews on the show at the Apollo. [1] 'Curious Incident Dog Nighttime'. I am sure that most people have heard the news by now. There has been a collapse at the West End, Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London during a performance of the show.

There have been at least 88 casualties reported so far, and seven more seriously. 720 were in the audience at the time. [2] The Wiki profile for the theatre state that there was heavy rainfall prior to the show, and the ornate plasterwork on the ceiling collapsed. That then brought down a lighting rig, and a section of a balcony onto the audience. Hence it sounds like the roof of this listed building, was in serious requirement of repairs.

Testimony of warning has been given many times to stay away from large public venues in this timeframe. No Christmas 2013, homeless people, require homes. Many Aspergers people feel very vulnerable due to the Welfare Reform Act that the British government is implementing.  I have also received texts to that effect. Will the Arts and the Entertainment industry hear their call? Can the British government hear the cries of the world, and the most vulnerable of their nation?

Does David Cameron or Nica Burns (owner of the theatre group Nimax) receive text messages like this:

'Please protect me from the welfare reform act, Amen'.

'Help me lady? My friends are suffering out here. Wheres the cavalry?'.

Well it has certainly been an Aspergers Apollo Christmas, and the show is just beginning.

Did you get the memo and pass it on?



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