
Sunday 22 December 2013


This morning there was another gateway opening for Athens, Greece and there is also an Athens in the USA. It comes in the week of the 'CUSP OF PROPHECY', and I am sure that Greek 'orthodox' must be reviewing the prophecies now. 

This morning the heavenly Father was also speaking about the 'reckless', and Greece was certainly 'reckless' with the heart of its nation, when it got in bed, with 'Goldman Sachs' to enter the Euro. Prices doubled over night. 

After I received the message from the heavenly Father, I popped into a conference call, and the men were talking about different realities, to serve different people and where they were coming from. 

I shared the panoramic view, and what I could see from afar. How what was being co-created was a mentality that was killing America. American research supports what I have written, researchers found that 50% of Americans had experienced being 'bullied', during their lives, either at school, home or in the workplace.  I am sure that the Greeks must feel the same way with the austerity measures, along with other nations; that are experiencing the impact of what the rich are doing to the poor. 

This gateway opening can relate to relationships of the travelers, and how much wisdom that they have. Did the travelers invest in traveling and holidays or did they have a balance and ensure that healing was part of their lives? There are some great healers in Greece and on the Islands and it was great to meet them and connect with their hearts, and where they were coming from. 

Greece, like America and other nations are 'grieving' for what was. The end of the world as you have known it, as indicated by the 2012 timeline. 

This is the timeline for healing those issues, because we cannot turn the clock back, although we can revisit different timelines for healing purposes in the now. 

The biblical prophecies gave advice and counsel about 'wisdom', so did the Dead Sea Scrolls. The mystics did their utmost to give people advance warning to help the righteous mystics, that they knew would come in the future to give healing to the nations. Greece has had mystics and healers since ancient times, the doves of wisdom lived, although there were always men that stood against the prophetesses due to the realities in which they lived.  This the men must heal in their past lives now. The female oracles were well known in many ancient cultures as well. 

Prophet Isaiah also spoke about those that would step on the highway to holiness that brings individual salvation, and those that would not. Those that were chosen, were shown new spiritual paths that they had not walked before. In Islam, there is also a prophecy about the 'disbelievers', and what is created for them. For they shall 'perish', due to what they co-create for entertainment. 

Does it remind you of Rome when the Christians and Gladiators had to fight each other to the death, just so that others could be entertained? Entertainment at the expense of the lives of people, husbands and fathers? 

Of course, we find people from most 'religions', that engage with that reality, even those in the social networks that say that they stand for truth. It is very 'sad' to witness how far people will go to please others. How far people are willing to 'descend' in the reality of their being and environment. 

Just like the woman that had numerous 'abortions', how 'reckless' life and the souls of those lives were treated. Yet, inevitable that it would be viewed by the righteous from afar, due to the real boundaries that are in place for those that have boundaries within their own being and nature. For sure, animals have boundaries in place, and they sure let you know about it, if a child tries to cross them. 

The people have a choice, heaven or hell? And in recent months, America were warned that they were 'two steps away from hell.' It is clear that they took the first step with what they created for entertainment. It remains to be seen, whether they will go further with their 'descent' of reality due to where they are traveling in their nation. 

Europe is not exempt from the judgement, due to who created it and the reason why. In 2010, Clinton admitted in the public domain, that the USA was 'losing the information war', and as I have said many times, Star Wars is over, the last war is taking place on planet earth and it is an information war, that is happening on the internet. 

The righteous shall not engage in the wars co-created by the Americans. The shield of faithfulness has shielded them from doing so. 

The Americans had a choice, to accept,  receive and embrace wisdom and become 'righteous' in the wisdom of the spiritual law, or to become 'reckless' with their own hearts, lives, peoples and nations.  

Jesus also spoke about the difference in the 'judgement' upon the realities of the different people. And how those that knew what they were doing, and still carried on doing it, would be judged the most. 

The one known as Jesus obviously comprehended the Jewish prophecies, and how few would find the narrow path. Hence the bible tells you that salvation came from the Jews. Of course, it can be viewed and comprehended by mystics that have the clarity of vision, to see with the eyes of a spiritual magnifying glass. 

When governments are 'reckless' with the hearts of the people, it can also trigger what people hold within themselves. In the same way that bereavement and the end of relationships can trigger what people hold within themselves. That is a clear sign that healing is essential, and to gain insight by going within the self. For it is there that you heal, and the insights are given to you, each time a new gateway opens for you, to a different and a more healthy reality. A reality of the light of peace and well-being, for as the prophecies predict, peace will be your governor, and well-being your ruler. 

The last time I met a Greek, he was 'bereaved' due to what 'drugs' had done to his daughter. 'Drugs', that had been given to her by the rich fathers, sons. His only daughter died at a young age. When I was with him giving him healing, he came alive once more. After I left, he said that he felt like he was 'dying' again. I told him, it is the 'death of the old self, and that it speaks of a new birth and a new beginning is on the horizon'. 

It is much the same for the nations that embrace wisdom. The nations have a choice to be raised up together, or to go down together. That is why wisdom was called to do the count, wisdom with insight that had been gained during her life experience. As Jesus predicted, 'Wisdom will be proven right by her actions, wisdom will be proven right by her words'. 

Choose wisely! 

As we know the 22nd and the numeric of 22 is a Master number. It speaks of the Masters of realities, the divine feminine, the righteous that help the healing Angels that embrace it,  and the zealous compassionate action to help those that require it. The truly righteous empaths, stand against the 'reckless' and the realities that creates. The righteous stand against the kind of music and entertainment that fits with the Islamic prophecy. The righteous stand against the music that can destroy a nation, like some of the films that come out of Hollywood, and that includes some of their theme parks as well. 

I would rather spend the rest of my life as a recluse, painting mandala, then engage or help Americans with what they're co-creating. As I wrote to a few of them, 'Go beyond'. I was asking them to go beyond their existing realities, to realities that are healthy for the people. Realities that bring wholeness and healing to the nations. 

The heavenly Father said 'They like tit'. My response is most men do. However, that doesn't mean that it has to be spread all over the social networks. The milk is for the babes in Christos, to give them the right nutrients because they come to the mother to receive her goodness, so that they may live a healthy life on this planet in these last days of the end times. In the milk of the mother, they receive the positive teachings that get them going in the right way that is in alignment with the spiritual law of the cosmos. 

The babes in Christos cry for it, they ask for it, and so then they receive it when they allow themselves to be in the arms of the mother. The milk of Christos comes from the divine mother, the sacred mother with the womb of creation within her. Righteousness delivers from 'death', because she lives in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of the cosmos and the divine plan. 

The heavenly Father said, 'They are in apathy'. As we know there is a big difference between 'Apathy and Happiness'. 'Apathy', is a state of being of consciousness and it is a psychological issue, co-created by themselves due to what they have experienced in their lives. Experiences that have to be healed. 

In Christianity, 'apathy' was viewed as a 'deficiency', a 'deficiency of love', and the Son of God gave counsel on that, when he spoke about the people. 'People are not a commodity, without love they became so'. Sacred Words indeed. 


The Christians also spoke of the 'apathy' that is co-created due to their 'deficiency' in devotion to God and his divine plan. So how do people get into that state of being, do you know? As I have explained many times to people, the more that people heal themselves, the more the divine plan and soul purpose is revealed to them. Then comes the devotion, that I and the bible speaks of, it can also be found in Indian spirituality.  

It is written that people stepped into 'apathy' after WWI, it is one of the psychological states that is the outcome of the 'shell-shock' that was experienced. America has certainly been in 'shell-shock', since Obama took office. 'Shell-shock', is also related to the spiritual law of cause and effect, of what they have co-created for themselves or what has taken place in their environment. 

Again, people can be 'shell-shocked' by 'bereavement' and when relationships 'break-up'. I warned America in 2008, that the law of attraction can be 'fatal', just like it can be 'fatal' for those that engage with 'drugs'. At that time I explained the spiritual law to them, and about the 'after-shock', that can happen in people. 

Interesting that 'Apathy', is found in 50-70% of people with 'Alzheimer's disease.'  So it is a psychological condition, that relates to the nervous system. It also shows us the state of the health, of the American nation, because some of its people are in 'apathy'. The same applies to the UK as well, because 'Alzheimer's' is a major issue in the Western nations now.  

In medical terms, 'Apathy', can also be related to 'stress factors', due to witnessing 'violent acts'. As I said this morning, Americans have watched too many Hollywood movies. However, apart from that they see 'violence' on their TV screens every single day. I got rid of TV in 1998. 

However, the Americans got used to the 'violence', on their screens and consciousness, and that is why they cannot feel empathy, the compassion in their hearts for others and themselves.  As we know, the USA also has the largest military in the world, and that is why, they have a serious 'neurological' condition, that spills out onto the streets of America with its 'bloodshed'.  

'Apathy' is also a side effect of taking 'drugs. Not just 'drugs for recreation, but pharmaceutical drugs as well. This is the sober decade and it will take all of the nations attention and purest intention. [1] Remember this; the mother doesn't only have the milk, she also has the solid food to give to the children to keep them healthy. 

Yea, women have got 'tits', and as the heavenly Father said 'They've got a screw loose', the very next day, the publisher of 'Screw Publishing' left the planet. So there are people with 'tits' that will 'screw' you for everything that you have got, compared with 'tits' that will give everything that she has got. 

There are women that will display their bodies all over the billboards, the internet, films, in published magazines, and then there are women that keep their bodies sacred and holy in the healing sanctuary. 

Choose wisely. 



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