
Monday 23 December 2013


There is news that 10 pelicans have been found dead in Florida Keys, and their pouches have been 'slashed.' They have also found birds in the same condition from Sugarloaf Key to Key West, press report states that some have been recovered. More have been spotted flying around with their pouches 'slashed', and it appears to be 'knife slice.' [1]

In December 2011, I wrote a post about the 'Essential Lunar Eclipse', an astrologer was cited that mentioned the pelicans. Biblical prophecy about the pelicans was also added. Reviewing it now, it also mentions messages that were received at that time and it clearly relates to current events. At that time the heavenly Father spoke about the 'Friar', and I immediately associated it with St Francis. Did that post actually predict the name of Pope Francis back in 2011? This is what was written at that time.

'In October a man even set the bible on fire, on top of a colonnade in St Peter's Square in Rome. Security officials could not budge the man until he had made his statement. “Hey pope!” he cried out in English over the crowd. “Where is Christ?”

Now the LORD said 'FRIAR' and when I ponder upon the Friar, it reminds me of St Francis of Assisi and Friar Tuck in the Robin Hood film. St Francis of Assisi called his followers "little brothers'. Fratres minores.'

St Thomas Aquinas wrote about Christ as a 'loving divine pelican'. A symbol of Corpus Christi = 'Body of Christ'. In Medieval Europe, they thought that the pelican was so attentive to her young, that she wounded her own breast, providing blood when no other food was available'. 

The biblical prophecies quoted at that time in relationship to the pelican are as follows:

Isaiah 34, 'Pelican and hedgehog will possess it, owl and raven will dwell in it. And he will stretch over it, the line of desolation, and the plumb line of emptiness'. Its nobles, there is no one there whom they can proclaim king-and all of its princes will be nothing'. 

'Psalm 102 also mentions resembling the Pelican in the wilderness. It speaks of the appointed time to have compassion on (daughter) ZION, it speaks of the creation of a new people to come. 'Like clothing you will change them and they will be changed'. 'The children of your servants will continue, and their descendants will be established before you'. As we know the NT also speaks of a time when everyone will be changed in a twinkling of an eye.'

'What else do we have on the Pelican? The word means AXE and that relates to the axing of the shepherds in Zechariah 11 and the the court sitting to axe the 'beasts.' Once again, the Axe is a Greek word. They also live by water. 

'Sabian Degree Symbols For This Lunar Eclipse. Sun: "Pelicans Menaced By The Behavior And Refuse Of Men. Moon: Seek Safer Areas For Bringing Up Their Young" They also declared "A Large Archaic Volume Reveals A Traditional Wisdom". [2] That is certainly interesting as we're having discussions with an editor at the moment. The LORD said 'What do you think Lotus Feet'. I feel it is grand, LORD'.

Wonders will astound them. 



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