
Tuesday 3 December 2013


Now that the three years are over, the three trees of life will come. Now the juniper, fir and cypress will come to adorn the sanctuary of the holy one of Israel. Isaiah 60:13

When she was first sent to help the spiritual community in the UK in the early 90's. Those people are still there, and have known her since the beginning, and prior to her knowing who she is. It is significant that she has returned to them. It is the will of the LORD for his holy one to be adorned by those that have loved her since the beginning. May the will of the LORD be done in his perfect timing.

The trees are awesome, the trees where she healed and taught. Where she taught people of all ages and walks of life, to feel the energy of the trees, so that they could comprehend the energy and auras of the trees. The importance of flower essences for healing vibrational frequencies. The importance of Reiki healing training courses, to healing the self on the narrow pathway of enlightenment. 

Helping people to develop their intuition, comprehend what they were seeing, hearing, symbology, colour and the signs. Helping them to understand their spiritual experiences, and their dreams.

The difference between different therapies and remedies, and different vibrations for different ailments at different times of peoples lives.

Encouraging people to heal their inner child's, supporting and promoting the healing process that Jesus was passionate about. Enabling people to enter and experience the kingdom of heaven and there are many heavens. 

Yes, he loves Reiki and being able to come onto the training courses in a sacred space of love and light. With those that are willing to step onto the highway of holiness. While the holy one of Israel was assisting people to comprehend the art of communication in a positive way, the heart of communication. She was also delivering the divine teachings as ordained. 

Biblical prophecy predicted that the deliverers would come. Not only did she become a teacher of the spiritual law of the prophets, she is the teacher of righteousness. At least one biblical scholar identified that when the teacher of righteousness came, they would share, reveal, and unveil the biblical prophecies about themselves. It was the will of the LORD for the unveiling to take place in the public domain. She had no choice, but to allow it to come to be, and for it to be expressed.

That is why daughter Zion was sent to help a community in the USA, to help them through, and to be the watchtower for the flock.

It was in June 2010, that the heavenly Father shared with me that 'The dark Lords have descended'. Hence, it was important that myself and others brought you light, love, compassion and mercy in the best way that we know how. It was also important that there was help there for me, like there was in the Rev 12 timeline. Rev 12 and Micah 4 overlapped in the timeframe. There was great assistance, and offerings that were ready to be given. Always in my heart. I will always remember the blessed help that I have been given in the will of the LORD, I am truly thankful for all of our brothers and sisters.

After the heavenly Father gave me that message in 2010, Michael passed over within days in the USA. 
Although I did not find out until his Spirit came to me, to tell me months later. I immediately contacted the USA, and then his passing was confirmed.

He did not come to me immediately, he waited to see what would happen, and if those that he had instructed would follow instructions exactly. Of course Michael knew that they wouldn't do what he had instructed.

The so-called orthodox Christians that he stood against, walked straight into what he knew that they would. He was also adamant, that if he went down, he would take them all with him. 

Michael could not forgive what the orthodox had done, he was compelled for justice to be done. Michael was legion, he could not forgive those that stood against the holy Spirit of daughter Zion, he knew what they had done. 

The American orthodox Christians should have done what Michael instructed. Michael loved the Lotus Feet who defended Israel with him. May he rest in peace, with all the others that we have known, and have passed over, in the years that I have been the watchtower for the flock. 

Michael bowed before daughter Zion, he saw the impact that her light of love had upon others. Whenever and wherever she arrived, he immediately bowed in honor of her goodness that was pre-ordained. Michael exalted the Christos of what she shared, he exalted the words and the manner in which they were presented.

He knew that the winnowing fan, the watchtower for the flock had arrived. He also knew that she was keeping an eye on him, what he was doing and how he was doing it. There was much for her to comprehend about the USA at that point in time.

Michael, the anthropologist, scholar, and warrior, was often called to stand to attention, upright in integrity, because there was important work to do to defend Israel, and the innocent, the most vulnerable of our nations. 

Mercy and forgiveness was given to many, and Omega knew that he had received it, when lovingkindness mattered most to him. Omega knew it was close to the end, when the flame of Joseph was there for him and his followers. The flame of love and truth, as blue as a cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth.

Always remember that wonders will never cease, wonders will astound them. Always hold mercy in your hearts. Always hold the lovingkindness of Jesus in your hearts. In my divine experience, in pure intention, he will always show you the right way to be loving to others. The power of his love is beyond measure, and he is awesome to behold. It was in 2011, that he said that we were moving into awesomeness. The blessed community of love and light that lead the way to it. As he said 'The soul is the lamp that lights the way'.

You can only truly behold him, if your soul is filled with love and light. Then he can lead you home to the heavenly Father, as he did with me. He is happy when you are willing to let go of different realities, and travel through the heavens and its energies, that he would like to show you. So that you can experience it for yourself. 

He is happy when you are ready to move on, and have integrated the initiations on the rite of passage as well. He is happy when you are fulfilling your life purpose, manifesting your spiritual potential, and divine plan of receiving the keys of the kingdom for healing consciousness. 

He is happy when peace gained from wholeness is your governor, the flame of truth of Joseph. The coat of many colors. He is happy when well-being is your ruler, and you are able to embrace it, as a measure of the high standard required to bring freedom to humanity. He is happy when you know the immensity of your own power, and that you live in humility of it, lovingly and righteously. 

Jesus is happy when you step foot on the land of Israel, and love the land that he loves. The land where he walked and walks. He is also happy when you experience trustfulness, and those that trust you. For how can he reach your heart, so that you can see him? It requires total trust, in his power of love, and that doesn't happen in a single day. Nor does it come from aspiration, or for praying for him to come. 

He will only come to you, if the heavenly Father sends him to you, it only happens if you are ready to receive him for divine purpose. 

The song that he delivered to yours truly at 1.00am, on Christmas morning, 2008. It was after that the first blog began. As he said 'We are moving into a higher gear'. 'The Time is Nigh'. 

In my experience Jesus doesn't wish for the spiritual journey to be just about him. Sometimes, he likes you to let go of him, so that you can encounter higher and different realities. He will always come to speak to you when you are ready for the next level. Jesus isn't satisfied until you have arrived home with the heavenly Father. When you arrive home into the arms of the heavenly Father, Jesus is so happy for you, when you are able to see his face. Jesus does exist, Melchizedek does exist. The heavenly Father does exist. Daughter Zion/daughter Jerusalem does exist. 

As Jesus said, the old heavens and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. The shield of faithfulness is here for you, in trustful loyalty to loving kindness.

Love beyond measure 

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