
Monday 2 December 2013


Following on from the previous post about the winter soup. The heavenly Father said 'Take Five'. This group is called 'Serious', and that made me smile. Serious is for artist development of our Jazz musicians. Serious developed 'The Take Five' initiative in 2004, in partnership with the Jerwood Charitable Foundation, and PRS for Music Foundation. 

It is about taking time out, taking stock of careers and sound and developing it. Enabling the UK's most talented emerging creative jazz musicians; to move forwards with new opportunities to get their music out into the world. It was also financially supported by the Arts Council, and the Musicians Benevolent Fund. I feel very drawn to the Arts at this time.

This evening in the news there was also a story of a Reindeer that wasn't up for Christmas 2013, the reindeer escaped the Christmas market that was planned for it. There were two reindeers, Humbug, and Cracker. The BBC wrote that it was Humbug that made a dash for it, and jumped free of the enclosure. 

No Christmas 2013, homeless people require homes. As we know, the reindeer defends the tree of life and our musicians certainly have work to do with that in the next phase of the divine plan. We have a great Arts centre locally, and a good community of different artists in different fields and genre.

We've even had some X-Factor winners, and some international superstars come from the location where I live. Most people are not aware of the power of sound and music on vibrational frequency, and the nervous system. I can see where the heavenly Father is leading me and why. 

I've always liked Jazz, since the days of my youth at Ronnie Scott's in Soho, London. 

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