
Monday 2 December 2013

Heartwarming Healing Soup

On the 30th November, 2013, the heavenly Father said 'Potato'. Today was time to make that soup with potato in it. So what is good about potatoes?

Did you know that potatoes have more potassium than banana? Potatoes are also recommended for people with high blood pressure due to its impact on salt. There was some research done that found that those that ate a diet with potassium rich foods, compared with a group that carried on eating what they do usually. 81% of the group that ate the potassium rich diet, were able to cut their high blood pressure medication by over half.  That's amazing! I don't have HBP. However, I do have friends that do. 

So today it is potato, leak and celery soup. Celery is good for the adrenals and kidneys. 

I had some chicken bones with a little chicken on them, so that was used to make the stock. After removal of the chicken from the bones, it was then put back in the pan with the stock. Filled a medium sized pan with water. 

Three medium sized potatoes 
One large leak 
2 celery sticks 
3 small carrots 
2 segments of garlic sliced
1 teaspoon of ground ginger
1 teaspoon of turmeric 
Sprinkle of coriander 
Sprinkle of chili powder 
Black pepper to taste

Chop the veggies, add spices etc, bring to the boil then simmer. When cooked, taste, if ready, you can use a potato masher to give it a thicker all over texture. A heartwarming winter soup that is very healthy for you. Time to prepare not more than ten minutes. A little makes a lot, great soup for the winter time. 

The heavenly Father said 'TAKE FIVE'. 

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