
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Miracle in Nigeria

A man in Nigeria has survived 60 hours under water in a sunken ship. Its a miracle, wonders will never cease. Wonders will astound them. 

'Dressed in only his boxer shorts and in freezing water, a Nigerian man survived for 60 hours at the bottom of the ocean by finding an air pocket in his sunken tug boat. Harrison Odjegba Okene was on a boat that capsized in July in the Atlantic Ocean off the Nigerian coast, the Associated Press reports. Eleven crew members died, but Okene, who was the cook, survived for almost three days by finding an air pocket before he was discovered by  South African rescue divers. Images and video from his rescue were released this week.' 'As it got colder, Okene recited a psalm his wife had sent by text message: "Oh God, by your name, save me. The Lord sustains my life."

It looks like the man in Nigeria was quoting Psalm 54. [2] The psalm where David is crying out to elohiym to save him. David was saved, and he did give a free will offering exactly as the psalm predicted that he would.

God bless David, Okene and his wife. It was due to the offering given to elohiym, that his life was saved. 


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