
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Paul Walker, Actor, USA

I must admit I did find the death of Paul Walker coincidence, that it followed right after the announcement of the passing of Lewis Collins. Both actors, both in the USA, both did their own stunts, both did the same martial arts. Now people are saying that he was killed, due to suspicious circumstances.

As reported on his wikipedia profile, he was a Latter Day, loved marine biology, sea life and his quotes show us that he loved life. So much, for thanksgiving day in the USA.

You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae. Paul Walker

Perhaps he should have comprehended Psalm 54, and how important the free will offering to elohiym is.

The Latter Day's were called out. Did they get the message? 

'I live by Go big or go home' Paul Walker 

Well he certainly did that, he left the planet, and left a little child behind. A little child that loved his/her daddy. 

That's with everything, It's like either commit and go for it or don't do it at all. I apply that to everything. I apply that to relationships, I apply that to like sports, I apply that to everything. That's what I live by. That's how I like it. Paul Walker. 

He died the way that he lived, the way that he liked it. What does the biblical prophecies say about that in this timeline?

It tells them that peace (of wholeness) will be their governor, and well-being their ruler. The ruler, the measure of the high standard required of everyone. It is recovery or extinction now. 

I could take you for a walk on the beach and I could point out just about any creature and give you their Latin names. Paul Walker. 

Where did knowledge get him? We all know the answer to that one. 

He was only young, he had choices. Remember that the '12/8ths prophecy', was about car racing, and the heavenly Father said, 'They have signed their own death warrants'. He also said 'Designer clothes will not save you'. 
At the end of the day, children are more important than cars and designer clothes in this timeframe.

If you cannot put the importance of the peace, wholeness, and well-being of a child, above what a car and designer clothes means to you. Then do you really deserve to be on this planet?

If you had to choose between the health of your own child, and a car, what would you choose? A friend chose not to have any children, her clothes, career, and life were more important to her. However, there are still millions of children in the world to be cared for, to be fed and clothed.

People in America, including latter days, are fully aware, and received the testimony of warning to stay away from large public events and venues. I am sorry to say, that Paul Walker is another example of what happens when people do not align their will with the spiritual law of the real prophets, and the testimony of warning. The testimony of warning is very serious indeed, it is delivered by daughter Zion, for good divine purpose to save lives. That is the will of our Creator.

I do have sympathy for the mother of Paul's child, and the child itself.

May they be comforted at this time of bereavement.

May they hear the song of the children.


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