
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Public Health Emergency UK

After I had written the 'Three trees come, three years over' blog post. The heavenly Father said 'They will get the sack'. I understood his meaning as referring to anyone that has impacted on the health of his daughter.

Now the news report 'Food Poverty, 'now a health emergency'. I am not surprised to see this news, I have been saying it for years.

'Food poverty in the UK has now become such a big problem that it should be seen as a "public health emergency", a group of health experts says.
In a letter to the British Medical Journal, six leading public health figures warned poor nutrition could lead to a host of problems.
It comes amid reports that people are struggling to feed themselves'. [1] 
Now apart from the poor being able to feed themselves, how are they supposed to pay for buses to get to doctors, hospitals, dentists, and other therapists? How are they meant to pay for postage, ink, paper, to engage with the different agencies involved in their lives, if they can't even feed themselves and pay for essentials?
How are they meant to pay for the nutrients, vitamins and health supplements that their body requires, if GP's refuse to prescribe the essentials? So for instance, Silica and Cod Liver Oil are essential if you are having any eye issues, e.g. your eyes are too pure to look at what governments and their agencies are doing to the people. Hence, it is impacting on your eyes.  

St Johns Wort is essential for the central nervous system and the nervous system impacts on the eyes. If you have any health issues with the central nervous system, then it will impact on other systems in your body. Including your eyes! Sainsbury's used to stock it at £1 a box, apparently, they can't sell it anymore, due to the impact of the pharmaceutical industry, and what they have done against supplements. 
A month ago I asked my GP for an appointment to see the eye specialist, on Friday, he said it takes 4-6 weeks to get an appointment. He admitted it is a very long time. For goodness sake, there are loads of opticians, one should be able to get an appointment within days.  No longer than a week, if it is to do with the delicate eyes. I heard of another case today, where a lady had been to her GP, and no notice was taken of her condition, a month later she is rushed into hospital for tests due to the pain. 

It is not just about the amount of money required for food to feed a family, a couple, or a single person, its about the standard and quality of the food that is available as well. Doctors are happy to pump their patients with pharmaceutical drugs that cost a fortune. However, they are not giving people what they require, and that which is healthy for their bodies. Then people wonder why, people are not getting back to work due to health issues. 

The quality and standard of food, 'degradation of the food chain',  and a nobel prize winner warned about the quality of the soil in 1912. That is over 100 years ago, and 100 is to do with the spiritual law in the NT. What you give comes back to 100 fold! So now we have the repercussions of governments and its farmers, not taking the words of Dr Alexis Carel on board. 

Nobel Prize Winner Dr Alexis Carel 1912, warned that since the soil is the basis for all human life, our only hope for a healthy world rests on re-establishing the harmony in the soil.

So for the poor it is a triple whammy. 1. Financial health and stability impacts on the health of the being.  2. Healthy soil impacts on what is grown in it, and that impacts on health. 3. The medical profession impact on health, and the ability of people being healthy enough to work. That then impacts on financial health, that impacts on the health of the being. 

Its not just about whether people can afford to eat, its about the quality of what is on offer as well. 

So yes, it is a health emergency, that will have long range implications on the health of the nation, due to what successive governments, its policy makers and its farmers have done. Tap water isn't healthy enough to drink, fresh food isn't fresh enough. Eggs have had to be thrown away, along with vegetables and fruit, that doesn't last as long as they used to do. I have also noticed that milk is not the same as it was a decade ago as well. Cheese has to be rationed, because it has become unaffordable, along with eggs and other basics. 

Its like living during the war, when everything was rationed. Yet, the British government can afford to pay for a military to be in Afghanistan, stationed in other countries, and they went to war with Libya. 

They can afford to give themselves a £10,000 a year pay rise, and Elizabeth an extra £5 million a year. Does Elizabeth have to pay a bedroom tax? How about Prince Charles and Camilla? How about the million that they spent on decorating the apartment in London for William and Kate? Or the £15 million they raised for Maggie Thatcher's museum? Truly, they must think, that we were all born yesterday! 

I tell you, judgement is coming upon them all. 

Really, enough is enough. The heavenly Father is right, 'They will get the sack', and I am sure that it won't be 'Christmas sacks' either. There will be 'no Christmas 2013', homeless people require homes, poor people require food, and financial stability. It is essential for the health of the nation, and its long term prospects. 

The whole of the NHS is a public health emergency, and the people of our nation are suffering due to it. However, at least health professionals are highlighting the fact there is a 'Public Health Emergency'.  

The British nation is in crisis. Are you satisfied David Cameron, how's your dinner tonight? Are your children eating well, do they have their own bedrooms, paid for by the public purse? Can you sleep at night? Do you have to wait six weeks for an appointment with a specialist for an urgent condition? How about three-four months to see a back consultant, or three years waiting for an MRI scan? 

How about when NHS back consultants have nothing to offer a person to improve their condition? How about the fact, that the Central Nervous System Journal gives us feedback, that they don't have any solutions either? 

What are the British people paying for exactly? I remember that Gordon Brown introduced over a 100 'stealth taxes', are you happy Laborites? How about you Lib Dems? Truly, they should all be removed from office, every single one of them. All investors in the stock markets have been charged in the divine court of 'starvation of children'. 

You had your choice, you received plenty of warnings, your time is up. 


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