
Friday 27 December 2013


The prophecies predicted that 'His righteousness with their children's children, with those who keep the covenant and remember to obey his precepts'. Psalm 103:17-18.

This prophecy spoke of a third generation. In this context, my Jewish grandfather, Joseph can be viewed as the first generation, the Son of Joseph was one of his children, and the flame of Joseph can be viewed in terms of 'their children's children'. So it was, that righteousness came to be, in the third generation. Too establish the children of the descendants.

'The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all'. Psalm 103:19. His kingdom of well-being, is truly heavenly when people appreciate it as so.

'Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding and obey his word. Praise the LORD all you heavenly hosts, you his servants that do his will. Praise the LORD, all his works, everywhere in his dominion. Praise the LORD, my soul'. Psalm 103:20-22.

Interesting verse number that, 2022. 20 is the number of judgement and 22 is a master number numeric of Angels, leadership, charity and the divine feminine. There is certainly a lot to do between now, and 2022. For the planet will come to know who she is, when the LORD chooses to show them the reality of their co-creation.

As we know 'Righteousness delivers from death', and there have been many miracles that were divinely blessed.

The heavenly Father said, 'You have your own room'. Maybe Psalm 103 explains that to you, for it was the verse of the day at biblegateway.

In the book of Genesis he states, 'Now the LORD has given us room, so that we will flourish in the land'. Gen 26:22

Joseph wept in his private room after he saw his brother. Genesis 43:30. I saw my brother in a dream the other evening, he arrived outside my door in a car. My mother wasn't happy when I turned to kiss her, we had a few words. Then I saw the avatar picture of a cute white dog of a forum member, the LORD then spoke and he said 'Food Prices'. As we know dogs are not for Christmas, they are for life.

Some people buy puppies for Christmas, then cannot afford to feed them, then they have to be rescued and re-homed. The same can happen with children in these last days of the end times. In Greece, mothers are giving their children away, due to not being able to afford to feed them.

The Angel of the LORD moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place, where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left. Numbers 22:26

The upper room also applies to Elijah in the book of Kings. I have just seen in the book of Ezra, why I do not drink enough or any water, and sometimes do not have any appetite to eat. Ezra 10:6

Prophet Nehemiah spoke of the following: 'I gave orders to purify the rooms, then I put back into them the equipment of the house of elohiym, with the grain offerings and incense'. 13:9 That always happens when my son leaves home, I purify everything, and then my healing room, where I give healing comes back to me again. In recent weeks, I have been offered a healing room, in a friends house to give healing to those that might like to receive it in that location. My massage bed is there. So the heavenly Father is right, 'You have your own room'. I also have my own bedroom at home. I have room for elohiym. Psalm 10:4.

'Rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasure'. Proverbs 24:4.

Prophet Isaiah delivered a prophecy, 'Go, my people, enter your rooms, and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by'. Isaiah 26:20

Ezekiel delivered the message that there would two rooms. 'Outside the inner gate, within the inner court, were two rooms, one at the side of the north gate and facing south. Another at the side of the south gate facing north'. Eze 40:44

A dear female friend of mine lives near the side of the north gate. However, her flat faces east. Another friend of mine owned a house close to the north gate and she was facing south. In the prophecies she is the princess that bestowed the golden gown. I did live on the south side, and where I lived faced north.
However, I now live on the south west side, and it was ordained as the gateway of prosperity. Although I am aware,, that there is a move coming in 2014.

The room facing north is for those that guard the altar, they are for the sons of Zadok and Zadok I know. 'The north and south rooms facing the temple, are the priests rooms'. Ezekiel 42:13. Ezekiel 44:10 speaks of the sacred rooms. When I was teaching Reiki healing, I wore specific clothes that were only worn when giving healing, and teaching it. Most of the time I wore the orange of Sadhu, that had been grafted in.

'What you have whispered in the ear of the inner rooms, will be proclaimed by the roofs'. Funny, that I have friends who are roofers.

'My Father's house has many rooms, if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you". John 14:10. How amazing is that, that before I went to Australia, I had a house on the south side with many rooms. Eight rooms on four levels, plus bathroom, shower room, and laundry room. He certainly did prepare a place for them, where they could be nurtured and loved beyond measure. It was open house, and many were brought to stay with us there.

'A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand and the table with its consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place'. Hebrews 9:2. In the house that had many rooms, the first room was the bedroom after going through the front door. It was there, where I saw angels for the very first time, and they all had the same bob haircut. It was there that spirit could draw very close to me, in the beginning, I was raw and open, all my defences had been taken down.

The second room became the spiritual room, on the same level with the bathroom. After my son moved up to the next level, on the same level with the office.

This song just began to play, 'I drove all night'. My attention is being called. So lets go see who is calling me.

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