
Friday 27 December 2013


Biblical prophecy predicted three people would come, and that the first two instruments would have a resounding impact on the third instrument. The LORD said to yours truly, 'Your life is a parable. Your life is the testimony'.

Why is my life the testimony?

1.   It has fulfilled biblical prophecies. 

2.   It has fulfilled prophecies from other realities. 

3.   Divine testimony of divine experience was shared. 

4.   The Torah speaks of the testimony of only one witness. 

5.   Testimony of warning was giving as instructed. 

6.   She showed herself to the priest, and offered them the gift that Moses had commanded, 
as testimony to them. 

7.   She dusted off her Lotus Feet as a testimony against them, in many places and locations. 

8.   The Spirit came down from heaven as 'White Dove'. That is when they first saw her in the Galilee of the Gentiles in the West, wearing white. The White Dove is being released in my presence, on the 30th December, 2013. 

9.   She speaks of what she knows, and gives testimony to what she has seen with her eyes wide open. 

10. The Father sent me, blessed is the one that comes in the name of the LORD. 

11. This testimony is valid, and was validated. 

12. Whoever embraces the Son of God, accepts this testimony. As blue as a cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth. 

13. The testimony continues, her heart goes on, she drove all night long, it has been a long ride. The children of the descendants will be established, the godmother was sent forth for them as a shield of faithfulness, with the merciful song of the harp.

The LORD gave them a sacred heart, and the Sons pulled her heartstrings, until they could pull them no more. The instrument of the LORD, is the life testimony that he sent. To ensure that peace became their governor, and well-being their ruler. 

In the next week, I will be doing an interview, and I will share about the next eight years, and what has to be done to prepare. The LORD has given the people plenty of advance warning, to help the nations. 

When the LORD raised up his promise to Moses, he was raising up the nations with his flame of Joseph. Then the governor and well-being came to be a reality, for his righteousness to soar in the divine court of justice, that no man or woman can put asunder. As the prophecies predict, they cannot save themselves from the flame, the ascendant is a fire sign. The divine fire of compassionate loving kindness, that is all-consuming in her travels. 

Some didn't care whether she lived or died. However, the LORD cared enough to raise her up into recovery, he rescued her many times. The power of loving kindness, empowered her, to empower others to take their power back. His Spirit magnified, in the light that illuminates the world, I praise thee LORD, for all that you have done for the children of the world. A light in heaven, that lights up every room. 

You lit up my bedroom with the magnificence of Archangel Michael, you sent your holy Son to get me in Australia when I was wandering, he walked with me along the beach, and I saw his footprints in the sand. LORD, praise thee, you allowed me to see your face, and the face of your Son. You sent him to help me with the journey, and to teach me what you wished for me to know, and to share in this testimony of life ordained by you.

The little cockney sparrow, became what you wished for her to become, a white dove and holy Spirit for the graceful swans,  thank you for feeding me when there was no food, and no money to pay for it. 

Oh LORD, thank you for sending your loving healing Angels, special hearts ignite in the power of love and unify. In perfect love and its awesomeness they did grow, they did ascend to dance with your Son before my very eyes. How could I ever forget this testimony, how could I ever be anything other than your divine reality, after I've seen and experienced what I have? I cannot go back to being who I once was. This is a different timeframe, let this testimony of life be my Sonnet to you, in praise to you, and all that you have done to help your instrument of divine will. 

Heavenly Father please strengthen me, to complete what has to be done during the next 12 years. Carry me heavenly Father, so that your will is done in harmonic concordance with the divine plan. 

Speak to them LORD, please help them to comprehend the testimony of life, and its importance to helping them to make a breakthrough. Let this be their humble prayer to you LORD, 'God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change. Courage to change the things that I can, and Wisdom to know the difference'. 

Love beyond measure 


The heavenly Father responded, 'You have your own room'. 

Thank you

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