
Saturday 28 December 2013

A Dream and St Clare

Following on from the 'Own Room' post. [1] There was the arrival of the song 'I drove all night', it was released in 2003, the year of the harmonic concordance. The dream given at Christmas 1998, then came to my remembrance. In that dream, I was standing at the top of some marble steps with a man.

In front of us was everyone that I had ever met in my life, the ballroom was full of people. They were all smiling and nodding their heads, and they said 'He was worth waiting for'.

I went to look to see if there was a song with those words and there is. Shakin Stevens brought out a song called 'A Love Worth Waiting For', [2] and it was released in 1983, the year my son was born.

The video wouldn't upload. However, it tells a story. The lyrics mention a 1,000 years, and I have posted before that the spiritual had this opportunity a 1,000 years ago. Alas, not enough of the right people were in the right place, at the right time, uprightly. They simple did not embrace what was coming upon the planet, and especially Europe at that time.

The lyrics of the song, 'A Love Worth Waiting For', also align with the lyrics in 'I drove all night'. [2] As we know, a 1,000 years is a long time to wait, for the opportunity to come around again.

Just before I began to make this blog post, the heavenly Father said St Clare, and that reminds us of the lady that was with St Francis in Assisi. St Clare gave up everything in life, just to be at the side of St Francis in his devotion, serving the poor in the community, she was otherwise known as 'Poor Clare'. [3]

St Clare, there are many locations with that name as we know.  I've done a quick look at where and how the name is being spread, over and above the usual 'religious' buildings. It appears that in many cases, they have concentrated on Hospices. In the USA, there are also medical centres etc. [4]

So take note of the name St Clare, it feels like it is important to the story.






  1. Now we have an event in Belfast, Ireland. 1 man dead and four in hospital.

  2. I asked the LORD his will for me as far as finances are concerned and he said, 'Its a done deal'. So I looked for the 'done deal' and there is an Irish website called 'Done Deal'. I then followed through on it, I noticed that there was a woman advertising to purchase meditation CDs. Hence, I have given my phone number and email address for her to contact me.

    Onwards and upwards

    Support is given by Zion to done deal.
