
Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Jerusalem Painting

On Sunday, the sun shone and when I looked at the window in front of me, there were two golden pillars. On one of those golden pillars, the picture of New Jerusalem had manifested. It was a message from the one known as Jesus. For in that picture that was painted in 2012, there is the manifestation of him, in New Jerusalem. That is where his heart is, in the creation of it.

So thank you, and blessings to people that support the serious discussion on New Jerusalem, and the prophecies that pertain to it, in these last days of the end times, that we are in. Its all coming back to me now, and there are paintings all over the wall of my lounge. He compelled me to spread the paint for him in 2012. He knew that it was time to bring the color into my life, and to the lives of others. So on Sunday, he put that painting on the golden pillar for expression of what it means.

So amazing, that just one picture appeared on the golden pillar before me. A golden pillar created by the sun. Everyone that is truly with the Son of God, learns to fly divinely, they find their wings in the will of the LORD. 

Angels of elohiym fly divine, due to the power of their self-healing. The more that they heal themselves, the more that their wings unfold. The more that their wings unfold, the more that the divine plan is revealed to them. The larger their wings are, can be felt in the size of their auric fields, that protect and nurture others. There are Indians that have written that the the aura of Jesus could be felt for 5,000 miles.

Scripture says that the dove came upon Jesus. If you delve, are or led into ancient cultures. You will find that the dove is the name that was given to the prophetesses. They were all called doves. Yea, homing doves, that know how to fly home and when. 

Silversides asked, 'Do you believe that Jesus has already been resurrected?'. The response: I can only tell you what I know to be true. The testimony of my life, that the LORD ordained. Jesus has been with me, he was my divine teacher for many years. 

His love is beyond measure. 

His teaching is profound. 

His wisdom is enlightening. 

He is a Spirit of few words. 

However, what he says to you is so profound, it catapults you into a new and different reality. 

I can assure you, that his heart is true, and faithful to the will of the LORD.

There are many rooms in my Father's house. Let it be known that the LORD ordains, that his blessed one that came in his name, has been given her own room.

In response a person wrote: 'According to William Blake it was planned to be built "On England's green and pleasant land"But I don't think it got past the planning stage.' 

Yours truly responded as follows: 

William Blake was aware that the Son of Joseph and its flame would be born on an Island as prophecy predicted. However, how many comprehended the rest of the prophecies? Many often ask about Rev 3.

Did they comprehend what it meant?

Why do you not hear the Churches in England speak of it? Is it because the prophecies predict that New Jerusalem shall not be built in England?

The flame of Joseph is the third descendent that would bring forth righteousness. As per the biblical prophecy. The harp of faithfulness, and 'righteousness delivers the upright from death'. Would the harp of faithfulness, be faithful to her nation? Or would the flame of Joseph be like Joseph and help other nations? Remember the work that she did with Archangel Michael during the Rev 12 timeline, to defend the healing angels.

The harp of faithfulness is faithful to the will of the LORD, and the creation of New Jerusalem.

Rev 3 explains a lot of what was given to the one that was entrusted. It explains to you, that a person would be given the location for New Jerusalem, the name of the city, and that person would also be given a new name. Also the woman in Rev 12, is the same woman that is in Micah 4, and Micah 4 gives clarity on the last days of the end times; when daughter Zion was sent on a mission to the USA. 

Hence she asks Americans, 'Have you had enough yet?',  for she knows that those that are chosen, will be driven out of the USA. 

'I will make the lame my remnant, those driven away a strong nation. The LORD will rule over them in Mount Zion from that day and forever." Micah 4:7 

'The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.' Isaiah 58:11

'Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.' Isaiah 58:8 

New Jerusalem shall not be built in Israel, or anywhere else in the Middle East. It is not that kind of sun-scorched land. The location is described as being like a well-watered garden, and it has spring waters. The prophecy predicts that it will be strengthened in this timeframe, I can confirm to you, that it will be in the West, but not in the USA. 

Many have already been called, few were chosen, and some have already been compelled to go to the specific location. The indigenous peoples knew that the rainbow warriors would come in this timeframe; to defend them and the eco-system of the planet. Hand in hand, side by side, in the front line. 

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